The Problem Statement is Interesting
A Problem Statement is Feasible :
- Because research is time-consuming process and you will go through many ups and down before present a final version of your research report. It is therefore vital that you are interested in the problem statement that you are trying to answer, so you can stay motivated throughout the entire process.
- If you are able to answer the problem statement within the restrictions of the research project.
- These restrictions are possibly related to time and money and the expertise of the researcher (a problem statement may be too difficult to answer)
The Three Key Criteria for Problem Statement
What Makes a Good Problem Statement?
There are three key criteria to assess the quality of problem statement :
- It should be relevant
- It should be feasible
- It should be interesting
- The problem statement introduces the key problem that is addressed in the research project.
- Problem statement is a clear, precise, and short statement of the specific issue that a researcher wishes to investigate.
From a Managerial Perspective, Research is Relevant if :
From an Academic Perspective, Research is Relevant if :
- A problem that currently exists in an organizational setting.
- An area that manager believes needs to be improved in the organization.
- Nothing is known about the topic.
- Much is known about the topic, but the knowledge is scattered.
- Much research on the topic is available, but the results are contradictory.
- Established relationships do not hold in certain situations.
Defining The Problem Statement
The research process : the broad problem area and defining the problem statement
The Research Proposal
After the interviews and the literature review, the researcher is in a position to narrow down the problem from its original broad base and define the issues of concern more clearly.
Secondary data are data that already exist and do not have to be collected by the researcher again.
Primary data is data gathered for research from the actual site of occurrence of events are first time
Prevailing knowledge on the topic
Background Information of the organization
- Relevant findings from previous research in context of problem. Also know as a Literature Review.
- The background details of the company can be obtained from available published records, the web site of the company. Company policies, procedures, and rules can be obtained from the organization’s records and documents.
- Data gathered through such existing sources are called secondary data.
Key elements:
- Purpose of the study
- Specific problem to be investigated.
- Scope of the study
- Relevance of the study
- Research design:
Sampling design
Data collection methods
Data analysis
- Time frame
- Budget
- Selected Bibliography
Preliminary Information Gathering
Nature of information to be gathered:
- Background information of the organization ( the contextual factors )
- Prevailing knowledge on the topic ( relevant findings from previous research ).
Fariz Ahcmad 50%
Reyhan Ilyas M 50%
- Textbooks
- Academic and professional journals
- Theses: PhD theses and Master theses.
- Conference proceedings
- Unpublished manuscripts
- Reports
- Newspapers
- The internet
Conducting The Literature Review
Reasons for the Literature review
The literature review needs to be done in three (3) steps process.
- The First step in this process involves identifying the various published and unpublished materials that are available on the topics of interest, and gaining access to these.
- The Second step is gathering the relevant information either by going through the necessary materials in a library or by getting access to online sources.
- The Third step is writing up the literature review.
- Helps to find the important variables that are likely to influence the problem situation are not left out of the study.
- One does not run the risk of wasting efforts on trying to rediscover something that is already known.
Literature Review
Examples of broad problem areas that a manager could observe at the workplace:
- Training programs are not as effective as anticipated.
The Broad Problem Area
Literature review is the documentation of a comprehensive review of the published and unpublished work from secondary sources of data in the areas of specific interest to the researcher.
The broad problem area refers to the entire situation where one sees a possible need for research and problem solving.
Evaluating the literature
Documenting the literature
an early and influential voice in the CSR literature is that of A.B. Caroll. In 1979, he proposed the following four part definition of CSR : "the social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations.
what is the relationship between CSR and EM
CSR and EM has an impact to the financial reporting quality
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