Your goal is to select only credible and reliable sources!
Critically Analyzing Information Sources: Critical Appraisal and Analysis. (2015, July 13). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from http://guides.library.cornell.edu/criticallyanalyzing
Finding Scholarly or Peer Reviewed Articles: Why Not Just use Google & Wikipedia. (2015). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from http://libguides.uhv.edu/peerreviewed/google_wikipedia
Harvard Guide to Using Sources. A Publication of the Harvard College Writing Program. (2015). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from http://isites.harvard.edu/icb/icb.do?keyword=k70847&tabgroupid=icb.tabgroup107786
How to evaluate information and use credible sources? (2015). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from http://libguides.mjc.edu/c.php?g=255675&p=1706344
Source credibility. Writing Centre Learning Guide. (2014). Retrieved November 1, 2015, from http://www.adelaide.edu.au/writingcentre/learning_guides/learningGuide_sourceCredibility.pdf
Western University (Producer). (2012, January 13). Evaluating Sources [Video file]. Retrieved November 1, 2015, from
What is the purpose of the source?
- Informative or educational?
- Entertainment?
- Commercial?
- Personal blogs?
- Websites and magazines with advertisements do not look credible
- Avoid using personal webpages / blogs as reference source
Is information presented accurate?
- If it is a journal article, is it peer-reviewed?
- Does it provide links to related resources, publications?
- Is information is consistent? Does the page have overall integrity and reliability as a source?
- Does information provide different perspectives?
- Can information be verified using other sources?
- Does it have comprehensive bibliography?
- Does the information have correct grammar and spelling?
- Is the content is clear and easy to navigate?
- The most accurate information come from peer-reviewed scholarly journals, conference papers, non-fiction books
- If the source is published by a university press, it is likely to be scholarly
- Use library databases and library collections to find the reliable sources
- Avoid using biased magazines and websites
- Avoid using works of fiction
- Websites with grammar and spelling mistakes, flashy advertisements are less credible
- Be careful using sources that provide one-sided information
(How to evaluate information and use credible sources, 2015)
- Avoid using Wikipedia or blogs as reference. A Wiki is a website where any user can modify the information. You can use them to get the general idea or different perspective
- Never use websites where an author cannot be determined, unless the site is associated with a reputable institution such as a respected university, a credible media outlet, government program or department, or well-known non-governmental organizations.
- Who is the author of the source?
- Individual, company or organization?
- What is the author's background? Credentials?
- Are they "expert" in the area?
- Affiliation with reputable organization?
- is there way to contact author?
- Have your lecturers mentioned about the authors?
- Are authors cited?
- Is there comprehensive reference list in author's sources?
- What are the basic values and goals of institution or organization?
- Is the information is useful for your topic?
- Is topic explored in-depth?
- Does the source provide detailed information?
- Are there links to related sources?
- What type of audience is the author addressing?
- Is the publication aimed at a specialized or a general audience?
- Read the table on contents of the book or read the article abstract to see whether it is relevant for your topic
- Keep in mind that not all sources are appropriate for your topic even if they are published in the top-ranking scholarly journals
(Harvard Guide to Using Sources,2015)
Avoid using the following sources:
- no information about author or sponsor
- no contact details (address, e -mail, phone, names)
- with bias: information in favor of or against one person, thing, belief or a group
- the author is trying to influence your decision
Is the information is current and up-to-date?
Some topic areas require more current information
Credible sources have the date of :
- publication
- last update
- revision
- copyright
(Critically Analyzing Information Sources, 2015)
Credible vs Non-Credible sources
What makes source credible?
Source evaluation criteria
CRAAP test
(Western University, 2012)
Why not just "google" it?
- .gov, .ac and .edu websites rank more credible than .com, .org and .net
- note that .edu websites can be created by students
- Wikipedia is not reliable source of information
(Source credibility, 2014)
Pathway to differentiate between credible and non-credible sources
by Renata Tolegenova
- Anyone with access to the Internet can create a website
- Google's top results are not always credible
- Website's domain doesn't make them credible
- The most popular websites are not always credible
(Finding Scholarly or Peer Reviewed Articles, 2015)
It is essential to differentiate between credible and non-credible sources in order to conduct quality research. Each item you find must be evaluated to determine its quality and credibility in order to best support your research