- Student can read without teacher support
- Student can read with teacher support
- Level that is too hard for student
Informal Reading Inventory (IRI)
Results will help determine:
Emergent Literacy
- Severity of reading problem
Word Recognition Accuracy
Reading Fluency
Does the student have
a reading problem?
Next Steps
Reading problems fall into several general areas:
- Emergent Literacy
- Word Recognition Accuracy
- Reading Fluency
- Comprehension
- Language and Meaning Vocabulary
- Intervention Plan
- Measuring growth
Two questions critical to assessment
Reading Levels
Jennings IRI
How severe is it?
What is the general area of the reading problem?
Word Lists (20 - 25 words)
- Determines which passage the student should read first
- Begin with easiest and continues until score falls below 60%
Informal Reading Inventory (IRI)
Informal assessment tool
- observing and analyzing reading performance
- gathering information on student's strategies
- administered individually
Jennings IRI
Silent Reading passages
- Introduction of material
- Background questions
- Student reads silently
- Record reading time (for fluency)
- Retelling
- Comprehension questions
Oral Reading passages
- Introduction of material
- Background questions
- Student reads aloud
- Miscue analysis
- Record reading time (for fluency)
- Comprehension questions
Jennings, J. H., Caldwell, J. A., & Lerner, J. W. (2010). Using an
Informal Reading Inventory for Assessment. In Reading
problems: Assessment and teaching strategies (pp. 100-133).
Boston, Mass: Allyn & Bacon.
Scoring Example
(2) Independent Independent Independent
(3) Instructional Independent Instructional
(4) Frustrational Instructional Frustrational
(5) (not given) Frustrational
Oral Reading level
- Word recognition accuracy, comprehension and fluency
- Overall passage level
Silent Reading Level
- Comprehension, retell and fluency
- Overall passage level
Combine scores by comparing and choosing lowest level achieved
Student's combined reading levels:
Independent - Grade 2
Instructional - Grade 3
Frustrational - Grade 4