Paris Conference of the Parties
- The current commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol expires on 31 December 2020
- UNFCCC parties have been working towards new agreement for a post-2020 framework
- Countries submitting 'INDCs' - Intended Nationally Determined Contributions
Environmental rights and responsibilities
Origins of the UNFCCC
Why did/do we need a multilateral treaty to address climate change?
Review of Last Tutorial
- What were the rights and responsibilities of:
- Company X;
- Landholders / farmers;
- Traditional owners;
- Environmental groups;
- The Minister.
- Comparison to 'real life'
Treaty Law 101
Tutorial C (Week 6)
Kyoto Protocol Flexibility Mechanisms
International Law - Key Concepts
- Generally, a country has to sign and ratify a treaty to be bound by it
- The process of ratification often creates a time-lag between when a treaty is agreed and when it comes into force (i.e. when it takes effect)
- Treaties can continue indefinitely, or may be for a fixed period, or can be terminated
- Amending a treaty usually requires the consent of all or most of the parties
- Clean Development Mechanism
- Wealthy countries can count credits for GHG-reduction project implemented in developing countries
- 7665 Projects Registered to Date
- Over 1.6 billion credits issued
- Joint Implementation
- International Emissions Trading
- What is sovereignty?
- How far does sovereignty extend?
- Sources of international law:
- Treaties - bilateral, regional, multilateral;
- Customary law - based on the practice of states;
- Declarations, policies etc.
CBDR - A Hypothetical
UNFCCC - Key Principles
- Allocations for the oral presentations / posters are available via LMS
- Assessment criteria for posters are the same as those for oral presentations
- Reflective essay questions?
- Any other questions about assessment, email me! (elizabeth.sheargold@unimelb.edu.au)
Based on the data in the table, rank the 12 countries based on how much responsibility you think they should bear for addressing climate change
- What criteria are you using to differentiate?
- Should any nations be allowed to increase their emissions?
What does "common but differentiated responsibilities" mean?
How does it align with the purpose of the UNFCCC?
Kyoto Protocol and CBDR
The Kyoto Protocol
- Sets quantitative emissions reduction obligations
- BUT only for 'Annex I' countries
- Each target was negotiated and consented to by the relevant Annex I country
- What was Australia's target?
- Two commitment periods:
- 2008-2012
- 2013-2020
- Included 'flexibility mechanisms' to make obligations easier to meet
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