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How to implement Parliamentary Procedure and Roberts Rules of Order into any Meeting
Will Rehrig wrehrig@udel.edu
CAACURH 2012 Top 10 Program
Making a Motion
Speakers List
A motion is a formal proposal to take a certain path of action.
This is the primary way for people to have the opportunity to speak and present their thoughts and ideas during a discussion.
I Motion to...
Open the Meeting. Open Discussion. Discuss ____.
Call to Question. Move the Question.
To groove for ___ minutes.
To recess until ____.
To Table.
Never use Parli-Pro as a weapon Never be afraid to speak Do not worry about being perfect the chair will help you
Once the Motion is Made:
It must me Seconded Then there will be a vote depending on the motion (See cheat sheet) And voting, discussion, or whatever the motion entails will begin
Member A - “I move to ___.”Chair - “A motion has been made to ___, is there a second?”Member B - “I second the motion.”Chair - “It has been moved and seconded to ___. The floor is now open to discussion/ voting.”
How to Be added to the Speakers List
Once discussion is opened raise your placard/ hand to be added to the speakers list, after the initial list is set to be re-added raise your had during an off time or sent a note to the chair
After you're done speaking you yield your remaining time:Yield to... Chair Questions [person]
Let's Practice
Pick a topic or choose one below:
Chocolate vs. Vanilla
Cats vs. Dogs
Coke vs. Pepsi
Droid vs. IPhone
Remember use what works best for you and your organization, this is very adaptable
Will Rehrig wrehrig@udel.edu
Cheat Sheet
Making a Point
Points are used when it is not practical to wait to speak in the speakers list or make a motion, It does not need to be seconded
Chair- Person who rules on motions and ponts, and is the modirator of the discussion
Secretary- Takes minutes and may control speakers list
General Body- People involved in the discussion
Point of...
Friendly Amendments can be added to a piece of legislature, if they are approved of by the originator of the legislation
Order- Things are not being run properly
Privilege- You are in some sort of disadvantage
Information- You have a question about what is going on or are lost
Parliamentary Procedure- Question on how something in parli-pro worksClarification- Clarify something that you said earlier that might be being used incorrectly
More on Points
Points should not be over used and should never be used as an alternative to the speakers list. A chair can rule them out of order if you do not use them wisely.
Unfriendly Amendments need to be voted on by the people present and need 2/3 majority to be passed
What is Parliamentary Procedure
You can decided how much of this to use and what is most affective for your group or meeting, do not feel like you have to use all of this, use what works for you.
What Do you want out of this?
I want to make this about you and your group so I have a few questions:How big is your group?How formal do you want it to feel?What does your goal meeting look like?Do you have a lot of discussions?Do you vote often?How much do you already know?
Motion to... Call to question or Move to previous question
Parli-pro is a set of rules that groups have developed to greatly increase the fairness and efficiency of meetings.
Call to question
This motion needs a second and then if there are no objections voting procedures begin
Move to previous question
This motion needs to be seconded and then a vote is taken and 2/3 majority are needed to enter voting procedures
Once Voting Procedures Begin
No one can enter or leave the room, and usually it takes a 2/3 majority or 51% in order to pass anything. The number needed is based on your constitution, or whatever is decided upon earlier.
If it seems everyone is in agreement someone can call out consent and if it is seconded and there are no objections a vote is not necessary, and it is passed unanimously