Won’t leave that weird ring in your wallet.
1. Current Positioning
2. Dentyne Toothpaste: A Brand Extension
3. SWOT Analysis
4. Marketing Mix
Dentyne Toothpaste
Our Idea
- Breakeven in the first year of operations
- Achieve 10% market share by 2015
- Implies roughly $1.25bn in 2015 Revenue
1. Current Positioning
2. Dentyne Toothpaste: A Brand Extension
3. SWOT Analysis
4. Marketing Mix
- Product Development: Introduce a toothpaste that leverages Dentyne’s strong brand equity and unique positioning to target teens and young adults
- Become the “Axe Body Spray” of Dental Hygiene
Product Strategy
- Inexperience w/ Hygiene Products
- Substantial Upfront Investment
- Conflict of Interests
- Originality
- Brand Equity
- Expertise in Brand Extensions
- Presence in Social Media
1. Current Positioning
2. Dentyne Toothpaste: A Brand Extension
3. SWOT Analysis
4. Marketing Mix
- Competitor based pricing strategy
- Price consistent with leading brands + allow for distinct identity and image to differentiate the product.
- $3.50-$4.00 per 6 oz. tube
- Aim to convey similar quality product. Avoidance of low consumer perceived value.
- Capitalize on brand name recognition and image of Dentyne Gum.
- Emphasize cleanliness and long lasting freshness of breath to differentiate from other leading brands (which tend to focus on specific health benefits).
- Create a sexy, hip, youthful image to target adolescents, teens, and young adults. Sex appeal as consumer perceived value.
- Highly Saturated Market
- Reputational Risk
- Competition from Other Gum Brands
(cc) image by anemoneprojectors on Flickr
- Lack of Differentiation in the Market
- Growing, Inelastic Market
- Further Brand Extensions
Direct Promotional Events
- Television and Online advertising to boost awareness.
- Humorous, sexy web videos to capitalize on Youtube popularity. (E.D. example)
- Low cost, extremely profitable if effective
- Aim to “go viral”
- Theme of becoming irresistible to the opposite sex
- Merely introducing consumers to a new toothpaste product can create future loyalty
- Colgate direct marketing campaign (2010)
- Free samples + trained store associates
- Single benefit of special anti-bacterial ingredient
- 360 follow up survey showed 57% planned to buy Colgate Total in the future.
(cc) photo by medhead on Flickr
- Department Stores
- Pharmacies
- Supermarkets
- Online retailers
- * Benefit from juxtaposition with other toothpastes.
- Uniqueness of attitude. Ability to stand out.
Implement/ Metrics
- Customer Feedback through surveys
- Include rebates and discounts
- Consumer interviews and focus groups
- Pinpoint consumers’ concerns and problems
- ROI and Net Marketing Contribution