Welcome to the NEW AP World History Exam Structure/Set-up!
What will you see on the exam?
Assessment Overview
- Primary Sources
- Secondary Sources
- Analytical historical problem solving
- Images
- Graphs
- Maps
- Texts
- The exam questions will measure your knowledge of world history and your ability to think historically.
- Questions will be based on learning objectives, key and supporting concepts, course themes, and historical thinking skills.
- Questions will represent various geographical regions, with no more than 20% of the multiple choice questions focusing solely on Europe.
*We will be covering ALL of this throughout the course of the year*
What does this exam cover?
- Approximately 8000 BCE - Present day
- 6 Themes:
- Technological & Environmental Transformations (to c. 600 BCE)
- Organization & Reorganization of Human Societies (c. 600 BCE - c. 600 CE)
- Regional & Transregional Interactions (c. 600 CE - c. 1450)
- Global Interactions (c. 1450-c. 1750)
- Industrialization & Global Integration (c. 1750-c. 1900)
- Accelerating Global Change & Realignments (c. 1900-Present)
Are You Ready??
New Format of Assessment
- Section 2, Part A:
- 1 question/55 minutes
- 25% of exam score
- Section 2, Part B:
- Long Essay
- 1 question/35 minutes
- 15% of exam score
- Section 1, Part A:
- Multiple Choice
- 55 questions/55 minutes
- 40% of exam score
- Section 1, Part B:
- Short Answer
- 4 questions/50 minutes
- 20% of exam score
**AP World History exam is now 60% WRITING!**