Beta Cell Transplant
How It Works
Donating Beta Cells
Transplanting Beta Cells
- Have citizens voluntarily donate beta cells
- Done surgically
- Incision made on pancreas
- Cotton swab used to scrape small amount of beta cells from pancreas from multiple people
- Patient must find donor that suits their needs
- Surgeon makes abdominal incision and places protective membrane containing beta cells in pancreas
- Tube attached to membrane is run along an artery as well
Storing Donated Beta Cells
- If the beta cells are not needed or desired for immediate transplant they are stored
- The cells are stored on dry ice to keep them at a very low temperature so that the cells do not die.
Type 1 Diabetics
- Completely cures type 1 diabetes by creating insulin for the body
Type 2 Diabetics
- Aids the pancreas in creating more insulin for the cells
- May either cure or help treat type 2 diabetics
Why we Need the Money
- We are not a well known organization and do not receive many donations
- Each time someone donates beta cells, the surgery costs money
- Eventually tax money can help with this, but not yet
- This has never been done before
- Requires further lab testing to perfect methods used in process
Getting Word Out
- Is something that must be advertised in order to increase the popularity of "beta cell drives"