Objective: SWBAT participate in a revision circle in order to edit and revise a literary analysis essay by completing peer editing activities and submitting a final draft.
The Writing Process:
Revising and Editing
CCCS Addressed:
Develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting, or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific purpose and audience.
Today I will...
So I can...
I know I have it when...
Literary Analysis
Diction and Imagery
Trade 6: Conclusion
Review the conclusion. Is there a restatement of the thesis (in different words)? Are each of the major points of your essay summarized? Does it answer the "SO WHAT?" of your essay?
- Make sure that your closing paragraph provides closure for your topic.
- You do want to leave your reader wondering what the purpose of your essay was.
March 13th
Do Now:
This is your Grand Finale! Treat it as such,
use a little drama to make your subject and writing memorable!
Trade 5: Word Choice
Trade 7: Editing
Look for repeated words, weak words, and words used incorrectly. Circle each word, then write the words in the appropriate boxes. Write your name on the line indicated.
Read for ANY OTHER errors. If you see something missed in another trade, mark it the way it should have been marked. Make notes directly on the essay then write your name on the line.
Some things to look for:
Some things that we want to do while editing are:
* Check and correct our spelling.
Apply past, present and future tenses correctly. Don't switch between tenses haphazardly.
* Check and correct grammar; make sure we used the right words.
* Correct punctuation.
Incorrect Usage:
Weak words:
- Couldn't/Wouldn't of ("have")
- Which and That
- "Gotta", "gonna"
- On accident and By accident
- Good and Well
- Kinda/Sorta - Kind of and sort of (both weak phrases, but if you must...)
- "Things" OR "stuff" - be specific
- "This shows that" - NO!
- "On page __, it states..." - NO!
- "Very"
- "People"
- "Says"
- Title of novel- italics
- Capitalization - Proper nouns, Beginning of each sentence
- Punctuation - incorrect use or overuse (!)
- Use of slang, text, or other informal language
- Does the author use proper MLA formatting? For citations and heading? Times New Roman 12 font double-spaced? Title?
Also, remember Formal Writing Rules and do NOT use any contractions! Maintain
formal tone!
Round "Circle" Peer Editing
Self-assess with the provided rubric. Hand in rough draft with revision cover sheet, and completed rubric.
Close Reading Activity with guided questions. Planning guide, and self-editing checklist can be submitted through google classroom.
Final copies should be attached to:
Literary Analysis Final Revision: Hurston's use of Diction and Imagery in TEWWG
Take a pen from the basket on the
table and take a rough draft.
- Put brackets around the lead (hook).
- Underline your bridge.
- Is the topic introduced? (Context provided )
- Is TAG included? (title, author, genre )
- If missing: write "TAG?" or "introduce topic" in the margin.
- Highlight or put a box around your thesis.
- Does it appear at the end of your intro?
- Does it include "light and dark imagery," "figurative language," and "Janie's realization[s]"?
- If missing: write "Strengthen thesis" in the margin.
We will be editing and revising each other's papers by passing them around the circle for a specific amount of time during each "trade," looking for specific mistakes during that time.
"Don't Switch!"
To, Too, and Two
Your and You're
There, Their and They're
Then, Than
Spell check is not perfect. It will not be able to understand the differences between these words. It is you who must understand how to apply each spelling correctly.
Keep verb tense consistent.
Instead of this:
The kids never wanted to leave home, but they move out of their house anyway.
Change to this:
The kids never wanted to leave home, but they moved out of their house anyway.
Procedures and Expectations:
Use the Checklist!
Trade 4: Analysis
Trade 1: Transitions
Star each explanation or analysis that follows EACH Quote. Every quote should be explained thoroughly with two sentences or three following it.
Put a check by each transition.
Write how many are found in the box on the cover sheet.
If only a few or less are found, write needs transitions.
Explanation or analysis should answer, "How does this quote support the claim in the topic sentence?"
In the box, write the PARAGRAPH number from where further analysis is needed.
Transitions are phrases or words used to connect one idea to the next. Transitions are used by the author to help the reader progress from one significant idea to the next.
- Look at the Cover Sheet. Write your name and today's date on the top. Place on top of your essay and pass it to the person on your right.
- During the allotted time of each trade, you will read the person's essay looking for the specific errors for that trade. Make any comments on the draft, complete the box on the Cover Sheet for that trade, and write your name on the line indicated.
Body Paragraph #1: First quote is not explained enough. How does Hurston's use of light imagery help the reader to understand Janie's realizations after Jody's death?
Body Paragraph #2: Second quote is not explained. It jumps to the concluding statement.
- Use transitions...
- When beginning a new paragraph.
- When providing another example.
- When providing an explanation for evidence.
- When concluding.
Abvoid: In the text it says...
This quote shows...
Editing Recap
Trade 3: Evidence
Put brackets around each quote.
Trade 2: Claims
Highlight or box the topic sentence or claim in each body paragraph.
Is evidence integrated and cited properly?
Is dialogue introduced with the speaker?
Are quotes properly embedded?
Are "page" numbers included in citations?
Are there at least 2 quotes per paragraph?
Topic sentences or claims should support the thesis statement.
- Review the thesis statement.
- Does each body paragraph include a strong topic sentence or claim that supports the thesis statement?
- Does each claim include "light/ dark imagery," a specific "figurative langauge" (personification, metaphor, alliteration) or a specific realization of Janie?
- If missing: write "Strengthen claim" with the specified body paragraph for each topic sentence requiring revision.
Remember: When we edit, we correct any technical mistake: spelling, capitalization or grammar (word use).
We constantly edit during and after the revision stage; directly before publishing!
Editing and Revising
Revision is the ongoing process of improving a piece of writing by changing the words.
Revisions are usually made by the adding and elaborating of ideas.
There are also times when subtracting, or deletion, is the best revision.
Remember to write your name on the line of each trade, please!