Assessment Strategies and Accommodations for Classroom Teachers of English Language Learners
What is Assessment?
Informal Assessment Strategies
Formal Assessment Accomodations
Assessment is observing a student's behavior and drawing inferences about ability. Teachers should use a variety of assessment tools to determine student progress accurately.
Small Group Testing and Extra Time
Performance Based Assessment
Formal Assessment
Informal Assessment
Pull Out/Read Aloud
- Documents suent progress throughout the year
- Gives ELL's an active role in learning
- Possibly incorporate technology through the use of an online portfolio
Day to day observations that are content and performance driven.
Preplanned, systematic attempts to determine what students have learned. These assessments are data driven.
- Allowed for by No Child Left Behind law
- Provides a more comfortable testing environment
- Allows ELL students greater access to teacher for questions/clarification during test taking
- Read aloud testing by a co-teacher or pull out teacher reading the directions and the questions
- Studies show a positive effect, particularly when directions are read in the native language
- Minor risk to testing validity
- Promote a wide range of responses, not necessarily a right or wrong answer
- Can be used to access bothe English language proficiency and academic content
- Score with a rubric giving students a clear expectation
- Chapter tests
- Quizzes
- Oral presentations
- Thesis Papers
- Midterms/Final Exams
- Class observations
- Writing samples
- Discussions
- Experiments
- Read-alouds
- Portfolios
Question Modification
- This may consist of reducing the number of multiple choice answer selections
- Refrain from using incorrect answer choices that are similar to the correct answer choice in either speech or spelling
- Studies show a higher positive correlation for students with lower English profeciency
Standards Addressed
Padlet- A Resource
Informal Assessments:
Discussions - CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.SL.9-10.1.A
WIDA Standard 1: English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting
Link to this Padlet and share what strategy you might try in your own classroom . . .
Presented by Amanda Allen