Primary Sources -
also called as the original source or evidence. It is the original source of information
Secondary Sources -
document or recording that relates or discusses information from original/primary source
- all the events of the past and beyond one's recollection and hence it falls short of the standard achieved by science
- pick and shovels historians
- translation is nearly impossible
- lack in authenticity of data
- nature and availability of sources
- the masses have generally not left much records of their own
- conceptualization.
Arnold Tonybee (Challenge and Response Theory)
- man responds to the situation placed before him.
Alvin Scaff (Exchange Theory)
- the idea of interchange "Barter System"
Georg Wilhelm Hegel (Role of Historical Man)
- an idea is the moving force of history
Karl Marx ( The Economic Theory)
- the prevailing economic system determines the form of societal organization.
Fernand Braudel (Method of Historiography)
- human actions are not based on human decision but also an structure that is natural or man-made
- to avoid inequality
- a primary source is still the best source
- would state his highest regard to past events.
- to sympathies and occur with the person (who has the same experience)
- to raise our nationalist consciousness
- to be more neutral
- it helps in tracing the struggle they underwent to attain unity and independence.
- it serves as a tool in identifying commonalities in their culture and experience.
- it points out the needs for nationalism in nation-building
Sources of History
Philippine History should be interpreted from a Filipino's point of view because:
Problems and Difficulties in the writing and study of History
Major Philosophies in the study of History
History as a tool in understanding national identity
Introduction of Philippine Historiography