Benita Zossoungbo
- There are a million use to papers!
- Papers are used in...
- Agriculture (Sacks, seed packets,etc..)
- Building (Wallpaper, roofing, flooring, etc..)
- Business (Receipts, catalogs, brochure, etc..)
- Cars (Fascia boards, filters, door liners, etc..)
- Communications (Calenders, Newspapers, etc..)
- Domestic products (Tissues, paper plates, etc..)
- Education (Books, report cards, flip charts, etc..)
- Electrical ( Special insulating boards, etc..)
- Entertainment (Kites, playing cards, etc..)
- Filtration (Filters for water, tea bags, etc..)
- Impregnated papers (Polishing, waxing, etc..)
The Product Life Cycle Of Paper
- Logs are converted to wood pulps and are filtered to remove foreign objects.
- The pulp is then put through a pounding, squeezing process called beating.
- Sizing is also added at this point, which affects the way the paper will react with various inks.
Raise and Extract
- Trees are a renewable resource.
- Trees are cut down to make boards and planks for buildings.
- Paper is made from those leftover scraps.
- Trees are not wasted because the bark are used for fuel and the wood chemicals are used to make cleaning agents, gum and more.
- Paper is made from connected fibers.
- This are the raw materials processed or refined.
- Wood fiber from sawmill
- Recycled newspapers
- Some vegetable matter
- Recycled cloth (cotton and linen fibers)
- Cellulose fibers from plants
- Trees
- Almost any species of tree can be used to make paper.
- Paper is made through a mechanical and chemical process.
- The dried paper is wound onto large reals and smoothed and compacted by going through metal rollers called calenders.
- The paper may go though a vat of sizing material and receive a coating before getting cut into desired size.
- The pulp is pumped into a giant automated machine and squeezed through a series of rollers.
- The paper is then pressed between rollers of wool felt ( Remaining water are removed).
Unused papers can be...
- Burned
- Composted
- Shredded
- Made into a soil paste
- Recycled