Business process
Started in singapore under the name of Cheng Hing Company.
Supply Chain Management collects information and activities from other functional areas to produce valuable output such as number of books need to be ordered from the suppliers, inventory reports(inventory level) and resource expenditure data.
- Cheng Hing Company merged into World Book Company
Before that,Marketing and Sales department will inform the Supply Chain Management about the sales orders.
In return,Supply Chain Management will inform them how many calculators they have now and the order status they received from the Casio suppliers.
- World Book Company merged into POPULAR Book Company.
- Opened Epilogue and {prolouge]
Main electronics suppliers
- Aurora International(s) Pte Ltd,
- Casio Computer Co. Ltd,
- iBitz
- Popular Book Co Pte Ltd.
- Popular became a listed company.
- Popular moved to it`s new headquarter at old toh tuck road
Supply Chain Management
Supply Chain Management
- Active Management of various supply chain activities.
- Maximize customer value and also to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.
Inventory level are kept too low (eg. number of calculators from Casio below 1000)
Supply Chain
Responsible for inventory level, ordering number of Casio calculators as needed
Popular restock and customer will receive Casio calculators
Supply Chain Management ask the Casio Computer Co. Ltd to deliver the amount they needed.
Physical Flows
Information Flows
Casio ship and deliver calculators to the POPULAR
- Allow various Supply Chain Partners to coordinate their long term plans
- Control the day to day flow of goods
- Most visible piece of supply chain
- Transformation
- Storage of goods and materials
- Movement
Various Activities Involved
Business Process
Linking back to POPULAR
The Casio Computer Co. Ltd will in turn inform the order status such as how many calculator they can produce and deliver to them now.
For Physical Flows Activities:
For Information Flows Activities:
- Heavily engaged in this activity.
- Import goods from other suppliers outside such as textbooks, stationeries, files.
- Ensure that they supply the goods in the right amount as well as at appropriate timings.
- Making sure that they would not be low on stock for some items whenever customer requests.
- Product Development
- Sourcing
- Production and Logistics
- Other Information Systems needed
Business Process: M/S provide sales data to A/F
Business Process
-Continuous availability which allows the firm to update their transactions regularly
-Ease of use which allows user to understand data easily, thus less troublesome for obtaining information.
Accounting and Finance
Accounting and Finance department will summarize the transaction data to prepare financial reports including the financial position in particular month and the profitability for that year.
Transaction Processing System
Supply Chain Management
Those who involve in bulk purchases will issue either cheque or cash.
A/F will issue debit invoice to the customers.
SCM will inform them how much inventory left and how much they should re-stock.
SCM will indicate how much they need in order to purchase the Casio calculators.
- The Supply Chain Management will inform Accounting and Finance department about the production plans and inventory data.
- The Accounting and Finance department give them the sales data and cost analysis to inform them how much they have spent.
- Record accounts payable when the orders are purchased and cash outflows when they paid.
- Customers of POPULAR will issue cheque or cash once the cashier give them the invoice.
- The cashier will record the transaction immediately from receiving.
Perform and record daily routine transactions necessary to conduct business.
Accounting and Finance
- Stock level is low, supply chain department can immediately order stocks, this prevents stock out.
- Ensures that stocks are sufficient for sales to prevent loss of customers.
It needs information from all other functional areas to record POPULAR transactions.
- Accounts payable data ( much POPULAR owes to suppliers)
- Sales data (eg. how many electronics they sold out in particular month)
- Production and inventory data.
In conclusion, by using information system which helps each department within POPULAR to share data, save cost and make decision promptly thus benefiting the organization.
Business Process: SCM need to provide orders to supplier to obtain stock availability and delivery status.
Supply Chain Management Systems
- E.g. When popular wants to order calculator from Casio,they need to share their required stocks to Casio and Casio will provide information on the availability of the stocks.
Linking back to Popular
- Manage firm’s relationships with suppliers.
- Share information about orders, inventory and etc.
- Manage the flow of goods- includes the movement and storage
- Their goal is to deliver sufficient goods with least cost and time.
Products and Services
To serve our people, to grow with our society and to mutually benefit from the world.
To be a leader and dynamic company. To provide value-for-money products and quality services to our customers, a pleasant working environment for people, and to be a good corporate citizen.
Perter Dalman, 2001 OCT 16, IT and Change
Kate Castellari, 2014 Jube 24, Rewiring the enterprise connection - Business Process Management: A special report
Popular Online Store
Popular World Website
Managing Business System Lecture Notes
Thank you!
Information Flow Activities
Toys and Board Games
Accounting and Finance
- Ensure that they manage the supplying of goods in the right amount and appropriate timings.
- Making sure that they would not run low on stock for certain items.
- Heavily enagaged in this activity.
- Import goods from other suppliers outside such as textbooks, stationeries, files and other necessities.
- Consists of recording all transactions that occurred within a business and summarizing the information.
- Take place either manually or with computers using accounting information systems software.
- Allows business owners to measure the competence and effectiveness of their operations.
Linking back to POPULAR
- For Accounting and Finance, company has to record all the transactions that has occured within the company.
- Making brief summary of all the daily activities that has happened.
- Involves recording of the debtors, creditors, various payroll and other important activities.