Before we get started...
Do you ever feel like there aren't enough hours in the day?
Do you ever find yourself completing assignments at the last minute or asking for extensions?
Are you often late to classes or events?
Do you ever catch yourself doing something you don't have time for when you should be studying or completing an assignment?
Get organized with your time
- There are 168 hours in every week and no matter how you manage your time, you will not get more time than this
- First step is to evaluate your time by the fixed commitments you already have (for example, class and work times)
- You don't want this total number of hours to be more than 55 hours per week otherwise it can lead to high levels of stress and can impact your success
- Think about how you spend your time and whether it reflects your goals and priorities
How to take responsibility of how you spend your time...
Consider the following...
- Schedule fixed blocks first and then schedule of activities accordingly, be realistic!
- Create and use to-do lists
- Set clear starting and stopping times
- Study two hours for every hour in class
- Schedule fun and down time
- Avoid study marathons
- Plan for the unplanned
- Time management is the key to success
- In order to remember something, you have to WANT to remember
- Have you ever forgotten that you had concert tickets?
- Remember: a short-term sacrifice will have an effect on a long-term goal
How to avoid procrastination:
- Break task into smaller parts
- Get started even when you don't "feel like it"
- Reward yourself
- Learn to say "no"
- Catch yourself before falling into the procrastination trap
Time Management and Study Skills:
Take Responsibility of How You Spend Your Time
Study Skills
- Study at least 2 hours for every hour in class - some courses need more than that!
- PLAN study time into your daily schedule
- Take breaks and avoid study marathons
- Study where you can best concentrate
- Pretend you'll have to teach the material
- Practice, practice, practice
- Get organized!
- Supplement lecture by going to tutoring, office hours, study groups
- The Pomodoro Technique
- Use technology to your advantage - free Iphone apps to help studying:
- How do you organize your time?
- What techniques do you use to avoid procrastination?
- Fixed commitment calendar
- TED Talk: Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator