And now for a short video:
- Each tutorial is under 3 minutes long
- English 205 - Intermediate Composition
- Topics in-hand spanning many disciplines
2. Using Keywords
- Students will effectively search databases for relevant, scholarly content
3. Subject Databases
1. Choosing Keywords
- Students will construct keyword searches based on topics
- Students will be able to access library databases
- Solid faculty support for a flipped class approach
The Learning Outcomes go hand-in-hand with our video tutorials...
- Created for Flipped Classroom scenarios
- Designed to give students a base knowledge of library research
Flipped Instruction:
Getting to the
Heart of Learning
- The elegance of NOT... and the advanced search
- Canned topic, we're just not that into you;
Own topic, you're the perfect match
- Worksheet as method was warmly received
- Starting their research in class got them over Google's allure
- Don't be heartbroken: Students pay closer attention to each other than to us
Jeannette Moss
User Education Librarian
Lauren McKeen
User Education and Web & Mobile
User Support Librarian
- The stars may not align right away
- Database beauty is in the eye of the beholder
What happened in the classroom
- After the poll, a quick library catalog demo
- Students broke into 4 groups with one database per group.
- 3 database platforms: EBSCOHost, ProQuest, Gale
- Given 10 minutes to complete worksheet (see your packet)
- Present to the rest of the class (5 to 8 min per group, depending)
By Jeannette Moss and Lauren McKeen