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Diets for Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise
Pre Diet for Aerobic Exercise
- 50% carbohydrates, 20% proteins, 30% fat
- Carbohydrates - whole grains, fruits and vegetables
- Protein - lean meat, low-fat dairy products, high-protein vegetables
- Fat - monosaturated fats (olive or canola oil), and omega 3 fats (fish, green vegetables)
- Water
Energy Source for Aerobic Exercise
Post Diet for Aerobic Exercise
- Body initially uses carbohydrates as fuel
- As duration increases, fat is used as energy
- Wait 45-60 minutes
- High-quality source of protein
- Chicken or Tuna
- repairs damaged muscle tissues
- Vegetable-type carbohydrate
- Spinach
- restores glycogen levels
- Water
Benefits of Aerobic Exercise
Pre Diet for Anaerobic Exercise
Energy Source for Anaerobic Exercise
- Decreases risk of heart disease
- Burns more calories than anaerobic exercise
- Lowers blood pressure
- Control blood sugar
- Weight management/Weight loss
- Improves lung function
- Decreases resting heart rate
- Eat your post-workout meal within an hour of exercising (15-30 minutes afterward is recommended)
- This helps muscles be able to repair themselves, which make tem stronger and bigger.
- Carbohydrates and Protein
- Water
- Carbohydrates in the form of glycogen is the main fuel source during anaerobic exercise
Pre Diet for Anaerobic Exercise
- Eat at least one hour minutes before workout
- Mainly carbohydrates
- Pasta, rice, grains, or bread
- Protein
- Cereal bar
- Water
Benefits of Anaerobic Exercise
- Develop stronger muscles
- Improve your VO2 max
- Increase your capacity to withstand the buildup of waste substances and remove them from the body
Examples of Anaerobic Exercise
Which of the following is is the best example of aerobic exercise?
A. Sprinting
B. Lifting Heavy Weights
C. Walking
D. Interval Training
- Sprinting
- Lifting Heavy Weights
- Interval Training
Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Exercise
Examples of Aerobic Exercise
- Oxygen is carried from your breath to your muscles requiring energy
- Running
- Walking
- Hiking
- Aerobic Dancing
- Swimming
- Rowing
- Can be sustained for a long period of time (20 minutes~2 hours)
- Can only be sustained for a short period of time (few minutes)
Seungweon Park & Nam Tran Nguyen