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Népszerű keresések
Character Overveiw Quotes
1.Unconfident-" 'Nothing counted before.' "He is unconfident because nothing ever counted for 3
2.Funny-"Guys are lined up on beside me in
both directons and laughing, which usually
isn't allowed ,but Sarge made a Rudi rule
after the first two weeks of camp that it's okay to laugh at me."If he is an exception to a no laghing rule then he must be 4
3.Loyal-" 'We follow orders' "If he is okay with taking orders then he must be loyal to whoever is giving 61
4.Violent-"I slap poor decent Squid across the face"I think that he's violent because he slaps one of his 62
5.Changing-"I may well go down as the soldier who went through the greatest number of nicknames during his tour of Vietnam."He is a changing person.That's why he gets so many 127
Character Overview Images
When:During the Vietnam War
Mood:Intense because the story is based in a war and war is always an intense setting.
What If
If anything about the
story was different the mood would still be the same because intense is how wars are.
Rudi trains at Parris Island.
Rising Action
Rudi and his team brings supplies to CoCo village.
Rising Action
Rudi goes on Search and Destroy mission.
Rising Action
Rudi gets injured on Search and Destroy.
Lieutenant Jupp is killed.
Falling Action
Rudi is assigned a new lieutenant.
Falling Action
Rudi is sent to CoCo village with his team.
Rudi accepts that he loves what he is doing.
My theme is "You can find a passion no matter where you are".This is the theme because the main character,Rudi,finds that weapons and things in war excite and entertain him.He finds this out when he gets in his first fire fight. The conflict in the story actually makes him want to keep going.I think this is the point that the author was trying to put in this book.
1.Circumstances(sur cum stans es)Synonym:factors-
facts or events that must be considered
with other facts or events.Ex:Under the circumstances I did not suggest to charge the enemy.
2.Rant(rant)Synonym:tantrum-to talk loudly or wildly.Ex:He was angry so he had a rant to cool off.
3.Bayonet(bay yo net)a weapon like a dagger fitted to the muzzle of a rifle.Ex:My grandfather gave me his bayonet from his military life.
4.Fragmentation(frag men taish un)Synonym:piece-a piece broken off of something.Ex:I knew I had been robbed when I saw a fragmentation of gold near the broken window.
5.Haphazard(hap haz ard)Synonym:chancedependent upon or characterized by mere chance.Ex:The war was a haphazard for both sides.
Ross Frechette
Fourth Period