Religion Social Institutions
How Religion Contributes To Society
- Teaches values
- Sympathy and loyalty
- Belief that charity is good
- Help people; not a required law
- Assist in times of crisis
Rules Taught
Through Religion
- Moral codes-behavior expectations
- Right from Wrong
- Follow Rules=Rewarded, accepted, approved
- Stray from morals=Punished
Social Institutions: Religion
Definition of religion: A specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects.
Religious Conflicts Throughout History
By: Arianna Druecke, Tatum Vannieuwenhoven, Tessa Dimity, Eleanora Frank, Grace Wojkiewicz-Wielgus
- Different rules/values
- Disagreements on teaching evolutions
- Challenge of balancing freedoms (Speech and religion)
- EX: Gay Marriage, different religions have/teach different view points
Needs met by the Social Institution of Religion
- Comfort in times of sorrow
- Answers to spiritual questions
- Meaning of life and death
- Sense of belonging
- Feels like part of a community
- Similar goals, values, moral standards, and looks on life
Rights that come into question when dealing with the practice of Religion
- Freedom of speech
- Freedom of religion
- religious groups follow both parts of the first amendment
- different values and beliefs
- respect other members of religious groups