Communication is Essential
Areas of Concern with Desk Staff
- If you're concerned about performance- an email or a private conversation is best.
- If a system isn't working, email and a conversation.
- Contact your supervisor immediately when you believe documentation is necessary.
When to Text
Be sure to let DAs know when there's a problem, they're growing too.
- Paperwork is needed from Delta Commons
- Simple questions
- Sending resident info
What Not To Do
The Methods:
When to Call
When to Email
- To keep a paper trail going
- When a system isn't working
- Desk shift switches and trades
- Concerns about workers
ACDs report to the CDs. However, the ACs also are indirect supervisors.
Be professional and respectful.
We all want to help you and watch you grow.
- Emergencies- call USAPD then CD
- Urgent situations
- Concerned parents at the desk
- After hours issues
When needing to make contact consider the following:
- Who is your audience?
- What are their needs?
- What stage of readiness are they at?
- What is the situation at hand?
When in person
- Concerns regarding desk
- When you see us, say hi.