Four Year College Admission Requirements
- English 4 years
- Math 3 years
(must be through Alg. 2 as a minimum)
- Senior Year Math Course 1 year
- Science 2 Years
(one year must be from an Algebra based Science course)
- Social Studies 3 years
- World Language 2 years
- Fine Art 1 year
Shadle Park High School Graduation Requirements
- Supporting students to graduation takes a team effort
- Remember - Graduation is a treasure, but we also need to make sure students are continuing to seek education/training beyond high school graduation and that they are prepared to succeed at their choice of post high school option.
State Assessments
Current Graduation Course Requirements through Class of 2018
Courses that fulfill the Fine Arts requirement:
Drama; Acting; Drawing, Sculpting & Painting, Ceramics; Interm. & Adv. Drawing; Iterm. & Adv. Painting; Choir; Band; Orchestra; Guitar lab; Percussion; AP Studio Art: 2D; Digital Photography; Jewelry & Sculpture
** D. Photography and Jewelry can count for either Fine Art OR CTE requirements, but not both
Courses that fulfill the Career & Technical Elective (CTE):
Accounting; Web Design; Marketing & Economics (all levels); Independent Business Project; OJT; Exploring Computer Science; Early Childhood Education; Culinary & Hospitality Pro Start; Foods & Nutrition/International Foods; Careers in Education/Teaching Academy; Auto (all levels); Woods (all levels); Metals (all levels); Sports Medicine 1 & Advanced; Horticulture; Stage Craft; AVID; Yearbook; Digital Photography; Jewelry & Sculpture; Skills Center
** D. Photography and Jewelry can count for either Fine Art OR CTE requirements, but not both
- English 4 credits
- Math 3 credits
(Algebra, Geometry plus a 3rd year beyond Geometry)
- Social Studies 3 credits
- Science 3 credits
- PE 1.5 credits
- Health .5 credit
- Fine Art 1.0 credit
- CTE 1.0 credit
- Electives 5.0 credits
- Total Credits 22.0 credits
How can students retrieve graduation requirements?
ICAN: This is a course taken at SPHS either during the day or after school. ICAN offers a variety of course requirements and the curriculum is delivered through Spokane Virtual Learning (SVL). The student must fail the semester course in order to enroll in ICAN. The student needs to register for ICAN through their counselor.
LOC: This is a course taken at SPHS during the school day. LOC offers a variety of core academic requirements and the curriculum is delivered through packets. The student must fail the semester course in order to enroll in LOC. The student needs to register for LOC through their counselor.
Summer School: Students can take a variety of required courses during summer school. Students can retrieve up to 2 courses (1.0 credits).
Spokane Virtual Learning (SVL): Students can enroll in a variety of SVL courses. Students will complete the work on their own time outside of school and the curriculum is delivered online.
High School and Beyond Plan
Current High School and Beyond Plan
- Naviance activities at each grade level through classroom visits
- Follow-up activities through PODS (interest inventories, skills assessment, personality traits, learning styles, career exploration, etc.)
- Senior Year: Evidence that students have taken steps toward their 5th year plan, i.e. college/tech school application submitted and/or acceptance letter, ASVAB, resume
- Current Assessments through Class of 2017
- What are Smarter Balanced Assessments?
- What does College & Career mean with state assessments?
- What do the Smarter Balanced scores mean?
High School & Beyond Plan of the Future
- Expanded use of Naviance
- Use in Middle School, earlier articulation of goals and pathway
- HSBP as an evolving document
- Role of Advisories--?
What is the High School & Beyond Plan?
- The High School and Beyond Plan is a process designed to help students think about their future goals and how to accomplish them.
- Includes exploring interests and career options, developing a course plan for high school, and exploring opportunities to develop skills.
Why is the High School & Beyond Plan Important?
- Student self-awareness: The HSBP provides students with the opportunity to explore their own skills and interests and discover potential career and educational options they may not have been aware of previously.
- Student engagement: It encourages students to take ownership over their high school experience and choose coursework and activities that are relevant to their goals.
- Tracking: The HSBP provides a means of tracking requirements for graduation from high school and entry into post-secondary programs.
Components of the HSBP:
Plans should include (at minimum)*:
- a career goal
- an educational goal
- a four-year course plan for high school
- and identification of required assessments.
*The process for completing a High School and Beyond Plan is locally determined and may be designed at the school or district level.
Will the High School and Beyond Plan change when graduation requirements change for the class of 2019?
Yes. Anticipate a greater emphasis on the role of the HSBP in student course selection. Specifically,
- The plan will guide a student’s choice for the 3rd credit of math and 3rd credit of science, with parent/guardian approval & development of personalized pathways.
- Personalized pathways are based on the career and educational goals articulated in a student’s HSBP.
- Personalized Pathway Requirements are classes selected to help students develop skills or meet requirements associated with a student’s post-secondary goals (WAC 180-51-068 (14(c).
- New Graduation Requirements
- High School & Beyond Plan
- Current Graduation Requirements
New Graduation Requirements
- Why are the graduation requirements changing?
- E2SSB 6552 directed the State Board of Education to implement the Career- and College-Ready Graduation Requirement
- The 24 credit College & Career Ready framework will be implemented for the class of 2019.