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Rumi Video
- RUMI Love POEM and SUFI POETRY. Spoken word, music, video.
Al-Haqq (The Truth)
Rumi: The Big Red Book
Al-Hayy (The Living)
- The Truth - "The strength of the quality of truth is that of letting the mystery remain in itself intact, not reduced to formula"
- The Living, we refer to one another with the pronouns you, I and us... but we are more than just individuals
Al- Khabir (The Aware)
Al- Bari (The Maker from Nothing)
- The Aware / The Knowing - Khabir is the aspect that knows we will live though death, and that is an awareness deeper than love
- The Maker from Nothing, Ego, the heart and soul is what compose us, however, the bodies we inhabit come out of nowhere and are nothing without these things
Al - Batin (The Hidden)
By: Jasdeep Sandhu, Priya Patel, Maryam Sheikh
Al-Jami (The Gatherer)
Al- Fattah (The Opener)
- Themes of consciousness and love, two deep and immeasurable elements that cannot be seen but are felt.
- The Purpose of gathering is to recognize beauty and to love what i beautiful
- Associated with Spring
- To Avoid being locked out of life
Rumi's Death
- Rumi died on December 17, 1273 at Sunset
- Representative's of all religions came to pay their respects
- Universally Renowned, even to those not representing Islam
- Walt Whitman, American Poet, was inspired by Rumi
- The book represents the intimate friendship of Rumi and Shams
- Author Coleman Barks has divided his translated collections into 7 Divisions based on their Nature
Rumi's Teachings
Shams Tabriz
- Shams taught Rumi about finding divine glory in others
- Taught Rumi to appreciate one's Soul and Sema
- Led to Rumi to incorporate music and poetry into his "Soul-Growth" work
- Spiritual Truth
- Persuaded People through poetry
- Many different Themes: Children, animals, rejects of society, Qur'an, the universe, and many more!
Jelaluddin Rumi
- Late 1244 Rumi met a man of God, Shams Tabriz
- Was in search for "God's Favorite", which was declared Rumi
- Mystical Conversation between the 2, called Sobbet
- After meeting Shams, Rumi started his "Real Poetry"
- Valued Shams Friendship Greatly
- Born September 30, 1207 in city of Balkh, now Afghanistan
- Family of Islamic jurists, theologians, and mystics
- Escaped Genghis Khan's invading armies
- Fariduddin Attar gave Rumi The Book of God
- Settled in South Turkey
- Well known Scholar and developed a community of students
Background on Sufism
- Sufism is not a section of Islam
- Teaching of Islam in mind
- Elements of "Magic & Mysticism", now known as Chemistry
- Brought Progression Socially
- Strong Relationship with God based upon Love rather than Fear
- "Without a Sword"
- Influential Sufi Poet, Rumi
- Background about Sufism
- Rumi's Life
- Shams Tabriz
- Divine Glory
- Rumi's Poetry
- Rumi's Death
- Al-Fattah (The Opener)
- Al-Jami (The Gatherer)
- Al-Batin (The Hidden)
- Al- Khabir (The Aware/The Knowing)
- Al-Bari (The Maker from Nothing)
- Al-Hayy (The Living)
- Al-Haqq (The Truth)
- Rumi Video
- Final Quotes / Questions
Jasdeep Sandhu
Priya Patel
Maryam Sheikh