Learning Objective: YWBAT create patterns that follow a path.
Essential Question: For what kinds of designs is the pattern tool particular useful?
Do Now: (3 min) Answer the following
1. What is the relationship of the sketches to the desk lamp that you see below?
2. What tools in 123D Design do you think were used to create the desk lamp? And what parts of the lamp were they used to create? List as many as you can!
Unit 4: Engineering
Path Patterns in 123D Design
Due Today:
Part 1: 04.13 Patterns Along a Path
- Answer all questions
- Create two patterns that follow a path
Part 2: Start the Desk Lamp design project. This is a 2 day project that will culminate in a summative grade. Show us what you've picked up over 3 weeks of using 123D Design.
To complete:
1. Log into your Google Drive.
2. Find the documents listed above in your Tech & Design folder.
3. Follow all instructions and answer all questions within the documents.
Basic Laptop Rules:
1. No music. And no headphones - except when watching assigned videos.
2. Only use the laptop assigned to you.
3. Carry the laptop by the base (not the screen).
4. On task - doing so is worth 10% of your overall grade on the assignment.
Path Patterns in 123D Design
The Fibonacci Sequence & Golden Rectangle
Today's Assignment (due today):
- Part 1: Create a Golden Rectangle on graph paper, using the squares of the Fibonacci Sequence to build your rectangle.
- Part 2: Create a poster. It should have
- Your Golden Rectangle
- Write the Fibonacci Sequence
- Write 2 - 3 sentences explaining how the Fibonacci Sequence at the Golden Rectangle are connected.
- **Research the Golden Ratio/Rectangle/Spiral. On your poster, describe one area within art, design, architecture or nature where the the Ration/Rectangle can be found.**
Include the Golden Spiral and earn Professional: 100%.
Our Entrance Expectations
- On time.
- Enter the room calmly and quietly.
- Notebook and writing utensil out.
- Actively working on the Do Now.
Participation points will be awarded weekly
- Meet all four of the above = 1 point for the day
- Miss any one of the above = 0 points for the day