- This means that God is outside of Space and Time
- "In the beginning God created....." He predates everything else and this is only possible if He was beyond the confines of time
- In order for God to be omnipresent he can not be confined by space- therefore he must be transcendent
- God is "All-Loving"
- Seen in Genesis 1, "So God created mankind in His own image"
- This shows how he loves humans equally and unconditionally; it is Agape love
- God's omnibenevolence is also seen in Genesis as He entrusts humans with the planet (makes them stewards)
- Means God is "All Powerful"
- God is considered to be the most powerful entity to ever exist
- Genesis 1 states "And God said 'Let there be light' and there was light"
- This displays His power to do anything he wishes effortlessly and immediately
- The paradox of the rock asks "can God lift a rock larger than he can carry?"
- This questions the omnipotence of God
Characteristics of the
Judeo Christian God
Suhail Dhanji
- Means God is "All Seeing" & "All Knowing"
- God can see all that happens- past, present and future
- This is seen in Genesis 3; He knew that Adam and Eve had sinned without being told
- It shows how God is all knowing, too