Saving Lives One Pint at a Time
Thank You!
The Purpose
To assemble high school students, teachers, and many more to make a difference and donate blood in order to enable individuals with sickle cell anemia and leukemia to live the lives they deserve.
In addition, to increasing awareness of these diseases/ disorders as a problem by hosting a blood drive and through capstone presentation
- Mater Osueke
- Juan Cornejo
- Heriberto Alvear
- Gisselle Flores
What can be done to help?
Why Blood Transfusions Help
How can one pint save 3 lives?!
- There is no cure or prevention for Leukemia and SCD
The Blood has about 4 components that help
Composition of the blood:
- Red Blood cells alone are not the only component taken from blood that can be used to save lives.
- One pint of donated whole blood alone can provide:
- red blood cells,
- platelets,
- plasma,
- and/or cryoprecipitated AHF.
- There are ways to maintain and controll the disease to prevent complications
Red Blood Cells:
vitamins ect
Cryoprecipetated AHF:
Red Blood Cells
- incr. red blood cell count
- incr. platelet count
- help the blood to clot
- proteins for blood clotting
Cryoprecipetated AHF:
- Recruited 118 donors
- Only 21 people differed
- 23 red blood cell donations
- 3 plasma donations
- 71 whole blood donations
- 117 components
- One way it can mabe maintained is through blood transfusions
Transfusions help provide these very things
Blood Combinations
Blood Types
- Eight different common blood types
- Blood types include
- A positive or A negative,
- B positive or B negative,
- AB positive or AB negative,
- and O positive or O Negative
O- can receive O-
O+ can receive O+, O-
A- can receive A-, O-
A+ can receive A+, A-, O+, O-
B- can receive B-, O-
B+ can receive B+, B-, O+, O-
AB- can receive AB-, B-, A-, O-
AB+ can receive AB+, AB-, B+, B-, A+, A-, O+, O-
- Different blood types require different specific combinations.
- A+ blood can only give blood to people with A+ or AB+ blood
- AB+ blood can only give to those with AB+ type blood
- The universal blood type is O- meaning that they can give blood to anyone
- Blood combinations are essential for making sure the patient does not have a life threatening reaction during a blood transfusion.
But first.....
What is Sickle Cell Anemia and Leukemia?
What We did to help
In order to help the growing issue, we organized an initiated a blood drive
Sickle Cell Anemia
- A disease caused by inerited abnormal hemoglobin that causes "sickled" red blood cells
- Progressive disease in which the blood forming organs such as bone marrow produce immature or abnormal leukocytes which suppresses the production of norml blood cells which leads to anemia
We partnered with the Gulf Coats regionl Blood Center to carry it out
- We madeannouncements and set up a table to recruite donors and volunteers
- We placed flyers in different locations
- We posted on Social Media
- Spent long hours after school organizing
"Commit for life...and [help] save lives, today...and in the future"
Global Connections
Local Connections
There is a growing Leukemia issue in India
- 25,000 children diagnosed every year
- the number of children affected has doubled in the last 20 years
- Nigeria Has the largest Sickle cell case in the world
- 25& of adults have the sickle cell trait in the populouse counrtry of 112 million
- This is due to a lack of blood saftey innitiatives
- SCD affects about 90,000 to 100,000 Americans
- In the US about 1 in 12 African Americans have the sickle cell trait
- Approximately every 3 minutes, one person in the U.S. is disgnsed with some form of blood cancer
- Leukemia Texas has worked extremely hard to help patients all over Texas. They alone have aided hundreds of patients with no help at all from the government or other private donors.
- Organizing Donors to fit school schedule
- Time management
- Last minute preparations
- Many donors backed down last minute
- Not hearing back from Patt Neff elementary
There are many local facilities:
- Central Texas Sicle Cel Anemia Assc. (Waco, Tx)
- Sickle Cell Assc. of Houston and
- The Guf Coast refional Blood center