Learning Objective: YWBAT use the Tweak Tool in 123D Design to refine a previous design.
Essential Question: How can we use difficult tools "predictably"?
Do Now: (4 min) Think back to Thursday's screwdriver design. In your notes, answer:
1. Which tool did you feel will be the most important in creating the geometry of the handle? Why?
2. What has been the toughest part of the design so far? Did you find a way overcome that tricky part? If so, how?
Unit 4: Engineering
3. Was there any part of the design that you would say was unfinished?
123D Design -
The Tweak Tool
Screwdriver Design
Today's Assignment:
- Part 1: 04.16 - Watch the video and try using the Tweak tool multiple primitives.
- Part 2: Add the finishing touches to your screwdriver design by "sharpening" the end of the flathead.
To complete:
1. Log into your Google Drive.
2. Find the documents listed above in your Tech & Design folder.
3. Follow all instructions and answer all questions within the documents.
Basic Laptop Rules:
1. No music. And no headphones - except when watching assigned videos.
2. Only use the laptop assigned to you.
3. Carry the laptop by the base (not the screen).
4. On task - doing so is worth 10% of your overall grade on the assignment.
Our Entrance Expectations
- On time.
- Enter the room calmly and quietly.
- Notebook and writing utensil out.
- Actively working on the Do Now.
Participation points will be awarded weekly
- Meet all four of the above = 1 point for the day
- Miss any one of the above = 0 points for the day