by: Shannon Griffin
"The Sacrifice of Issac"
Painted by: Jacob Jordaens
The medium used in this painting is oil on canvas, using a paint brush. He used primary colors of red, blue and yellow, while mixing complimentary colors to make the oranges, browns and greens.
The colors in this painting are very vivid and pleasing to the eye. There is a darker tone behind the Angel that helps support the subtractive light shinning off the Angel onto Issac. The skies have a pallet of grey's and blues that help promote the dramatic effect of a storm building behind the subjects. The primary colors red, yellow, and blue seem to be the most pronounced colors in the painting.
"A line can be understood as a path of a point moving in space, and invisable line of sight" (Kleiner 2014). There are many defining lines that shape the Angel and his wings, Abraham, and Isaac. You can also see the invisible line of sight that runs from the Angels finer tip to the tip of the dagger.
What is the Subject
The Biblical Story
This painting is about Abrahams ultimate test of faith to God. Abraham loved his son very much but being a man of God's word he obeyed and took Isaac up to Mount Moriah to be the lamb for sacrifice. God saw Abraham's obedience and faith to Him so he stopped Abraham from striking his son. So then on Abrahams family liniage would be blessed for his faith and obiedience.
The subject of this peice is the story about Abraham's faith to God by doing what God told him, to sacrifice his son that he loved very much. There is an Angel holding the hand of Abraham which holds the dagger, keeping him from striking Isaac.
Baroque period. (2014). In Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved from
Genesis 22:15-18, The Bible, Retrieved from:
Jordaens, Jacob. (1630). The Sacrifice of Isaac[Oil of Canvas; 24.2 x 15.5 cm] Retrieved from:
Kleiner, F. S. (2014). Gardner’s art through the ages: The western perspective (14th ed., Vol. II). Boston, MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
Jordaen's Style
Zimmer, Hans. Creation Choral, 2013; Mercer Street Records, March 15, 2013, The Bible Soundtrack
This style of work is from the Baroque art movement. Baroque art is " In general, however, the desire to evoke emotional states by appealing to the senses, often in dramatic ways, underlies its manifestations" (Encylapedia Britannica).
Who is Jacob Jordaens?
My Interpretation
Jacob Jordaens was born on May 19, 1593 in Antwerp Belgium. His paintings include Religion, Mythology, and Allegorical subjects. He studied under Adam van Noort for eight years before enrolling into the Guild of St. Luke as a watercilder (watercolor) artist. He studied the works of Italian masters that were available to him in Northern Europe.
The emotion that I get from this painting is anguish, fear, relief, and love. Abraham's face shows his anguish of having to sacrifice his own son Issac. Issac being obedient to his own father and awaiting the strike of his dagger, shows fear on his face. The Angel's face shows love. The background looks as if there is a storm and darkness stirring, while there is light that is shinning from the Angel onto Issac.
"And the angel of the LORD called to Abraham a second time from heaven 1and said, “By myself I have sworn, declares the LORD, because you have done this and have not withheld your son, your only son, I will surely bless you, and I will surely multiply your offspring as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. And your offspring shall possess the gate of his[d] enemies, and in your offspring shall all the nations of the earth be blessed, because you have obeyed my voice.” - Genesis 22:15-18