What Happened
Cause of the Duisburg Masscre
Duisburg Massacre
- Truce was declared in 2000
- Violence flared up after the death of wife
- Wife of higher-up member of Strangio-Nitras was shot dead
- 6 men (16-39) were celebrating a birthday party at Italian pizzeria (owned or worked at)
- Got in their 2 vehicles
- 2 men shot them in their cars using 70 bullets and ran away
- Women heard shooting and got police involved
- Used around 70 bullets
- Police found-6 men in 2 cars
- Shot in the head outside the Italian pizzeria
- Act of dominance
Giovanni Strangio
(Member of Strangio-Nirta Clan)
- Feud started- 1991 (datab)
- Death- August 15, 2007
- Feud slowed- August 9, 2008
- Ndrangheta group has been active in germany but has kept a low profile and kept violence under control.
- Duisburg in Western Germany
- In Front of the Pizzeria near the train station in Duisburg in the Western Germany.
Achille Marmo
(Members of Strangio-Nirta Clan)
Strangio-Nirta Clan side
- Nicknamed “Ndrangheta”
- More feared than Sicilian Mafia.
Pelle-Vottari Clan
- Drug kingpin
- Managed to stay under the radar.
- Led to police investigation
- Arrested more than 30 members of the Ndrangheta mafia
- One of the shooters got away but arrested a year later
- Truce has been declared
- San Luca Feud has died down
- San Luca feud never really ended but has died down since after the massacre in 2008.
- The Ndrangheta is the most violent mafia in Italy
- Feud between two clans
- Strangio-Nirtas vs Pelle-Vottari
- Two clans are apart of main mafia- Ndrangheta
1st major incident between the 2 clans
Leader of Ndrangheta
Francesco Pesce
- Carnival celebration
- Village of San Luca- 1991
- Drunken fight of young men from each side
- Ended with deaths from both sides
Human Nature
The people in the rivaling clans are very violent and I don’t think that they think before they act and commit a crime. They think that killing one another will make things better but all it does is make other people angry and then more people will die.
The clans don’t forgive that quickly, and they have been hating each other since 1991.
Works Cited
Landler, Mark. “German Police Link 6
Dead Men to an Italian Mob Feud.” The New York TImes. The New York Times Company, August 16, 2007. Web. October 21, 2015.
Harris, Shell. “The 10 Most Famous
Feuds in History.” TopTenz. Big Oak Studios, April 19, 2010. Web. October 21, 2015.
San Luca Feud (Lucas R, Olivia, and Stefaine)