Word Power
How many different words to describe emotions or moods can you think of?
What picture comes into your minds
when you read this sentence:
The dog barked outside?
Write out the sentence, adding the
extra words you used in your own
description to give a more detailed picture
of your barking dog.
'Way out in the wilderness, a cold coyote calls'
- What sort of mood or emotion do you think he wanted people to feel when hearing this line?
- What are the most important words used to conjure up that feeling?
- What might a song that included those lyrics be about?
What does connotation mean?
Why is it so important in your creative writing?
Look at the paint chart in Source A
Choose three or four of the names and in your groups discuss what connotations these words have for you. For example 'whisper' might make you think of something secret and mysterious.
Look for ways to group some of the names and their connotation. Then discuss what type of person you think the designers of the paint chart had in mind when coming up with these names
Imagine you work in the marketing department of a paint manufacturer. Look at the paint colours on the chart in Source B. Choose three of them, then come up with a name for each one. Try and target different audiences:
- Young men aged 17-24 interested in sport.
- Women aged 45-60 in professional jobs (doctors, solicitors, and so on)
- Men and women aged 30-45 working in advertising or media.
Write three more sentences about dogs barking. In each one, try to make your
reader feel a different emotion
Learning Objectives
- communication: improving your vocabulary
- communication: choosing words that have maximum impact on the reader
Choose one of the images below. Write 2 sentences that capture the mood or tone of the picture. One should be a short sentence. the other should be richer in detail. Try and use words that are powerful.
Visual images also have connotations. They mean different things to different people, because pictures can trigger personal memories.
Look at this photograph in Source C. For some of you, the connotations will be good ones - sunny beaches...delicious food, for example. They may not be so good....scruffy, noisy accommodation ....flight delays and hours spent waiting in the airport....