Read Eulogy for Rufino Contreras
In your close reading circle, annotate, noting use of persuasive speech.
When you have completed reading, independently answer the questions provided. We will share responses when complete.
Task Option #1
What strategies does Chavez utilize? What language distinguishes him from other Civil Rights activists? Write an intro for YOUR Civil Rights speech in the style of Cesar Chavez
Cesar Chavez and the Struggle for Farm Worker's Rights.
This led to the founding of the United Farm Workers in 1966
After spending two years in the US Navy (he called them the worst of his life) he returned to California and started a family. He returned to the fields until 1952, when he became a full time organizer for Latino-American rights.
In California, they followed the seasons. From cotton fields in fall to cherries in the summer, Chavez's family crossed the State of California as migrant labor.
Chavez would struggle for
worker's rights for next twenty years
The work was difficult. Because he didn't want to see his mother struggling in the fields, Chavez dropped out of school in the 7th grade so that he could work full time.
Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers
Do Now
Cesar Chavez was born in Yuma, Arizona in 1927. His family operated a small grocery store and ranch, But like millions of other Americans, the Great Depression drove them to California.
During these struggles, Chavez developed a deeply spiritual approach to the movement.
Seen here, Chavez fasting, receiving a visit of Robert F. Kennedy.
Chavez died after a long fast at the age of 66.
Listen to "If You Ain't Got the Do-Re-Mi," by Woody Guthrie
- Answer in writing:
- It is 1934. Who is Woody Guthrie singing to? Why?
Interested in where the struggle for labor rights is today? Check out the following links:
Watch and Critique! Is this video a valid source for history?