259 - 232 BCE
Reign of King Asoka (273 - 232), who converted to Buddhism, sent out missionaries to other lands, and actively promoted Buddhism within his own territory. Buddhism thus began to grow from a small group to state and local religion.
c. 251 BCE
c. 383 BCE
Asoka's son Mahinda (d. c. 204) introduced Buddhism to Ceylon (Sri Lanka).
Second Buddhist Council was held at Vesali and declared a minority group as orthodox and a majority group as heretic .
c. 250 BCE
The Buddhist canon is completed during the Third Buddhist Council at Patna, under the auspices of King Asoka.
c. 400 BCE
Buddhism reached Nepal.
469 BCE
16 factions existed only 10 years after Buddhas death.
483 BCE
Resulted in four factions a year after Buddhas death.
528 BCE
The four noble truths were revealed by Buddha in his F.irst Sermon after his enlightenment, becoming the fundamental Buddhist teaching.
c. 528
Siddhartha Gautama, meditating under a tree at Buddha Gaya in northwestern India,achieved enlightenment.
521 BCE
He began his wanderings on the countryside