Astrological Mythology
Scorpiō (Scorpion)
- Orion was on a hero quest & boasted to Artemis he could kill any beast, so she was goddess of hunt, but also protectress of animals
- Orion finally wins, barely, and Artemis asks Zeus to put
- Artemis then places Orion in sky
- He hunts all winter long, then leaves in the summer when Scorpius shows up
Lībra (Virgin)
- Represents Themis holding the scales or balance (of Justice)
- Themis is mother of the Horæ & the Fates.
- £ symbol --> libra (lb. or "pound")
Salvēte, Discipulī!
Ōrātiō Fatimæ
Lingua Latina I
Magister Simpson
Lecture 31
omine Iēsū, dīmitte nōbīs dēbita nostra, salvā nōs ab igne īnfernī, perdūc in cælum omnēs animās, præsertim eās, quæ misericordiæ tuæ maxime indigent.
- Intrōductīō (Introduction)
- Ōrātiō
- Præsentātiō (Presenation)
- Mȳthologia stēllārium
Flammarion engraving, 1888
- Dates: March 20/21 - April 19/20
- Spring Equinox first day of Roman calendar
- King Athamas from Boeotia (Central Greece, Thebes) had two children Phrixus & Helles
- Athamas weds a new woman after their mother's death.
- Jealous of kids, burns the town's crops & uses fake prophecy from Delphi to blame famine on the children
- Claims must sacrifice children
- Hermes sends Aries to save them, Helles falls off his back into sea
- Phrixus sacrifices Aries = "Golden Fleece"
Ariēs (Ram)
Virgō (Virgin)
- Could relate to Demeter-Persephonê because it's harvest time
- Also Greek myth of Parthenos
- Apollo impregnates a Greek woman named Rhoio
- Father gets angry, locks up his other daughters
- Daughters get drunk & a pig comes and breaks wine skin
- Scared of their father's wraith, they escape & jump off a cliff
- Apollo places Parthenos in the sky because of her virtue.
- Dates: April 19/20 - May 20
- Depiction of Zeus as a bull seducting Europa or Io
- Europa was mother of King Minos of Crete, first great Greek civilization
- Bull was very sacred to Minoan culture
(cf Minotaur)
- Io was a maiden from Argos (city on Peloponnese), ancestor of Perseus, Cadamus, Heracles, Minos, Danaus
- Zeus turns her into a bull because Hera was jealous, Hera sends peacock to watch over her.
Taurus (Bull)
- During the Twelve Labors, Heracles must fight a beast called the Nemean Lion
- Lion has magic fur that weapons can't wound
- Lion abducts women, brings to its cave, then eats the men who come to save them
- Heracles wrestles it and breaks it back, removing the hide and wearing it for protection
Leō (Lion)
- Castor & Pollux were twin brothers of Hellen of Troy & Clytemnestra
- Castor was mortal, Pollux immortal
- Castor dies after a brawl, Zeus gives Pollux the choice of staying immortal, or giving up half his immortality to brother
- The brothers then spend half their time between Olympus & Hades
- Hera sends crab to attack Heracles during his fight against the Hydra
- Heracles kills crab with his foot
- Hera honors the crab by placing him in the sky.
Geminī (Twins)
Cancer (Crab)