Pacific Sunwear
Group A2
Primary Target Market
- Age Group: 17-24
- PacSun aims to draw in people who embody the active, carefree and party lifestyle.
Key Issue: This is a shift from their previous target market
- In the past, PacSun's target market ranged from 12- 22 year olds
- Many consumers were middle schoolers and high schoolers
- Young adults now still associate PacSun with younger teens
- Primary benefit: Trendy and relevant apparel that embodies the Californian lifestyle
- Iconography: Fashionable models at the beach,
a party, the streets, or the outdoors
- Celebrities: Tony Hawk, Kendall &
Kylie Jenner clothing line, etc.
Key Issue: PacSun must work to reintroduce themselves to their consumers
- PacSun pushed to present themselves as a place that sells active wear clothing:
- Target: Surf boarders, skaters, snowboarders, etc.
- Now, PacSun wants to be active wear + casual Californian wear
Key Issue: Competitors offer similar brands/styles
Any questions?
- Founded in 1980 by Tom Moore as a surf shop
- Nationwide specialty retailer that operates in all 50 states including Puerto Rico
- At its peak in 2000, nearly 1000 stores were in operations
- As of June 2013, only 645 stores are remaining
Marketing Plan
Celebrity Representatives
Share consumers' outfit posts
- Consumers associate PacSun's image with affiliated celebrities
- PacSun tries to bring in those who are seen as trendy, popular, and relevant
Be willing to let go of old roots in order to keep up with the latest trends and styles
Ongoing Campaign (GSOM)
Pop-up Store at SoHo
Introduce exclusive and trending brands
- Helps differentiate PacSun
- Strengthens image as a trendy retailer
- Clarify their mission statement and target market
- PacSun's focus group is unclear to consumers
- A fun way of reintroducing PacSun to consumers
- This method is becoming popular
- PacSun made a presence in a significant area without spending a fortune