The New England Vampire Panic
Work Cited
Why not all?
- In the case of Mercy's family, why only her body was dug up and her mother and sister weren't.
- This pattern repeated itself in many other families.
- Historical content does not contain any information about the decision.
- Wilson, Tracy V. "The New England Vampire Panic." Audio Blog Post. Http:// Missed in History, 30 Sept. 2013. 6 Mar. 2016
- Tucker, Abigail. "The Great New England Vampire Panic." Smithsonian. Smithsonian Magazine, October 2012. Web. 3 Mar. 2016.
These people were terrified because they thought that vampires had started coming into their hometown. In reality, they were all sick with tuberculosis and started going crazy. This disease made everyone start to go crazy and do things that were completely wrong.
The Vampire Outbreak
The Explanation
Tuberculosis Description
- Vampire myths came before forensic science
- Build up of gas
- The cause of tuberculosis was not discovered until 1800
- Known as consumption in the 1800s
- Spreads very quickly
- Symptoms include:
- weakness
- pale skin
- loss of appetite
- All fit the descriptions of a vampire victim
- Took place around 1799 and 1892
- Families across New England dug up the corpses of their children, parents, and siblings
- Defiling a body with an effort to prevent them from rising from the grave
Mercy Brown
- Only 19 when she died in 1982 from tuberculosis
- Mother and sister also died of tuberculosis
- The town she was from was hit by the same outbreak
- Her brother started to show the same symptoms after she died
- Her father dug up her body and fed her ashes to her sick brother hoping it would cure him
In the late 1700s, 200 years after the Salem Witch Trials, many small rural communties located in New England were stricken with fears that the dead were coming back to life and eating the living. Turns out, it was something completely different. Do you believe in vampires? Well these people did.