The "E" World
- The US, a producer of world order, open and rule-based
- At the international level: a near monopoly on the use of force
At the domestical level: institutions and behaviors are open to global scrutinity
The US- led order is a negociated system
- Providing public goods
- Exercising through rules and institutions
- Giving "voice opportunities"
Put at the service of an expanding system of democracy and capitalism
- Hierarchical and sustained by economic and military power
How extensive and deeply rooted are these caracteristics?
The Global Racket
Empire Unravelling
Illusions of Empire:
Is the US an Empire?
- The notion of empire is misleading
- More like a US- led democratic political order without any historical precedent
Neoconservative's imperial vision founded on illusion of US power
American imperial pretentions are limited
Creation and extention of international institutions that have limited AND legitimate US power
- Americans are less interested in ruling the world than they are creating a world of rules
Emmanuel Todd, After the Empire
- The US power is already in decline
Emergence of new power centers
- The worldwide spread democracy is showing resistance toward the US
- "Economically dependent and politically useless"
Chalmers Johnson, The Sorrow of Empire
The U.S, a military empire
Risks to: - corrode democracy
- bankrupt the nation
- spark opposition
- end in a Soviet-style collapse
An "international protection racket"
The end of the Cold War: - an opportunity
- a crisis
Defining the New American Order
Balancing Act
Pax Americana
Niall Ferguson, Colosus
Ensure Freedom
Manage a system of international trade and finance
Uphold rules & regulations
Settled in the name of anti-imperialism
Sovereign but failed states need more of this American liberal empire
Michael Mann, Incoherent Empire
- Danger of unilateral military power
4 types of power drive the rise and fall of states: - military
- political
- economical
- ideological
The world complains more and more about "cultural imperialism" and US aggression
Imperial Insecurity
Benjamin Barber, Fear's Empire
- Appealing to law VS Undermining it
The American empire is not sustainable if driven by military action and fear of terrorism
- Logic of globalization is above the logic of empire
Need for a cosmopolitan order of universal law (Lex Humana)