Leanna feels that this way of migration was a good idea, but it was probably a hard experience.
Danny thinks that this overall a good idea they could find new people or places to trade with and find a safer route to places.
Melissa thinks that the Atlantic Theory was a successful idea because the people that migrated had a better life and a better chance of success. This also affected the trading system because they made it safer.
Harry thinks that it was a good idea because they took a path over seas where they can get better supplies like fish and skin from other animals.
Why is The Atlantic Theory Important?
Atlantic Theory is important because it affected Asia and North America. The Atlantic Theory also affected their trading system. It affected their trading system because they made it easier to send spices, silks, slaves, and tools to North America from Asia and Europe.
The Atlantic Theory
Many people wanted to travel from Siberia, Asia, and Europe to North America. They had many ways being of transported, but walking was out of the question. They built and used ships ad boats to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
The Path They Took.
The Atlantic Migration Theory
By: Melissa Villanueva, Danny Pichardo, Leanna Guzman,
Harry Kwan
There were many theories that involved moving people from Asia to North America. Some of the theories include walking over a land bridge called Beringia or sailing across the Pacific Ocean. The theory We choose to explain the Atlantic Theory. :)
As we stated before, the Atlantic Theory states that immigrants come from Asia to North America. They traveled to find a different path instead of taking the Bering Land Bridge which is very dangerous because it is frozen land.
What are "Clovis Points"
Evidence Supporting this Theory.
By now you're wondering, what are "Clovis Points?" Well, "Clovis Points" are spear points that travelers used to cross the Atlantic Ocean. The spears were used as weaponry. They used them to attack other travelers that wanted to slay them. They were also used to kill animals. The animals were either eaten or sold.
Why Did They Migrate?
In New Mexico there were sharp tips that looked like spear points. They were dubbed "Clovis Points." As exploration advanced, they found "Clovis Points" in Asia and other areas across the Atlantic Ocean.
The big question is WHY. They could have migrated for many different reasons. Here are our thoughts. They could have moved for better supplies such as deer or rabbit for meat or hide. They could have moved for freedom or a better chance of survival. They could have moved for better tools or technology like swords, spears, javelins, etc. More space to build shelter or villages for large groups of people. Better natural resources like water from lakes or melted ice. For protection against natural disasters like floods, winds, storms, etc.