Case Study - Data Collection Methods
Focus Groups
- An unstructured, free-flowing interview with a small group (6-10 people) led by a moderator who encourages dialogue among respondents.
- Advantages:
- Relatively fast
- Easy to execute
- Allow respondents to piggyback off each other’s ideas
- Provide multiple perspectives
- Flexibility to allow more detailed descriptions
- High degree of scrutiny
- Not just answering a questionnaire
- Surveys require :
- selecting populations for inclusion
- pre-testing instruments
- determining delivery methods
- ensuring validity
- analyzing results
Document Review
- Depth interview
- Devil's Advocate - Karan Thapar
- Laddering
- A particular approach to probing asking respondents to compare differences between brands at different levels.
- Produces distinctions at the:
- attribute level
- benefit level
- value or motivation level
- Kofee with Karan - Rapid fire round
- Field notes
- The researcher’s descriptions of what actually happens in the field
- These notes then become the text from which meaning is extracted
- Gain insight into things that respondents cannot or will not verbalize
- When?
- Collate background information for all other data collection methods
- Advantages : inexpensive, unobtrusive
- Disadvantages: time consuming, disorganized, outdated/biased
- Main methods
- Observation
- Interview
- Document review