10 pouches continued
6. The sinners were walking around in circles and dressed in really tacky gold cloaks, and the cloaks are very hevy lined with lead on the inside.
10 pouches
1. They marched in a long line while whipped on every side by horned demons.
7. The snakes do cruel nasty things like binding the sinners hands with their bodies and knotting themselves around their thighs. Once their bitten they turn into ashes on the ground.
2. Sinners hawl and fight among themselves.
3. In the rocky ground sinners are burried upside down in holes the size of baptism basins and the feet protrude only to be burned by flames.
8. Its alot of flames and each flame contains a sinner and the flame moves when the sinner moves.
9. Is filled with blood and wounds these sinners are cut up so bad that you can see their insides. They were mostly decapitated.
4. The sinners are walking slowly with their heads turned backwards because they cant see whats in front of them.
10. Every sinner was afflicted with a horrible disease.
5. It is very dark and demons push and poke sinners around with grappling hooks and pitch forks.
8. In that part of the youthful year wherein the sun his locks beneath Aquarius tempers, and now the nights draw near to half the day.
The daylight hours where cut and there wasnt much sun.
Historical references
What level the circle is on and where does it fit in the inferno.
9. For as we came to the ruined bridge The leader turned to me with that sweet look which at the mountain's foot I first beheld.
The leader made him go first upon the ruined brigde.
Chief Sinner: Jason, Murdered men, abused women, and ruined the land.
10. His arms he opened, after some advisement within himself elected, looking first well at the ruin, and laid hold of me.
The leader pushed dante.
Jason, Pope Nicholas III, Malebranche, Ciampolo, Caiaphoas.
For the Panderers & Seducers
They are forced to run back and forth away from whiping demons, fitting because seducers and panderers were like slave drivers, so now they must suffer the fate of a slave. constantly moved by threats and acts of violence.
Yes this punishment is fitting for this sin.
Wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
Attract (someone) to a belief or into a course of action that is inadvisable or foolhardy.
There were naked people running about in alarm *
In the midst of this cruel and dismal ferment,
With no hope of hiding place or heliotrope's charm.
People were running around everywhere, trying to hide but no where to go.
6. The site of every valley hence requires, That one side upward slope, the other fall.
One side of the valley was up higher, than the other.
The 8th circle of hell has a nickname, Malebolge(which translate roughly to evil pouches). It's surrounded by a wall of dull ironed colored stone, and the valley itself is divided in 10 pouches.
7. My gentle star, or something better gave me, I envy not myself the precious boon.
The boon was helpful to them, thats why he called it his gentle star.
10 Sentences
Circle 8
Thus the pimps and seducers, whipped by horned demons in the first ditch, relate to the flutterers--disqustingly dipped in the excrement of the second ditch--through the sexualized figure of Thasis, a prostitue from the classical tradition who faslely praises her "lover" (Inf. 18 127-35)
Which meaning that the pimps and seducers were beat.
People who be in this circle
The abuse of power within the church--as a form of spiritual prostitution, fornication, and rape (Inf. 19.1-4; 55-7; 106-11), a perversion of the holy matrimony conventionally posited between Christ (groom) and the church (bride).
This meaning on how people act in church.
No wonder Vanni Fucci takes the prize as the shade most arrogant to God in Dante's experience of hell (Inf. 25.13-15).
Vanni Fucci is a thief who regains his human form, who admits to stealing holy objects.
So was the breath exhausted from my lungs
I could no further, but did seat me there.
While they were travling, dante became tired and had to take a break.