Why Is It So Much Overfishing
In The
Great Barrier Reef??
- A domino effect comes into play when overfishing occurs in or around a coral reef.
- First we have to take a closer look into the food web of a coral reef.
- It is important to know that each specific plant and animal species has an important role and function in the coral reef ecosystem, they require certain environments, nutrients and are dependent on other organisms (The Coral Reef Food Chain).
- These relationships among other species are crucial to the survival of coral reefs.
Over-fishing leaves not only a carbon footprint on the Great Barrier Reef but leaves imbalance in the predator verses prey chain that increases the predators for corals.
We learned the Great Barrier reef contains an abundance of
Marine life and comprises of over 3,000 individual reef systems and coral cays. It's located off the coast of Queensland located in the northeatern region of Australia. To help stop this envirmental issuses we will stop using boats all the time instead we'll use canoes or something else.
The Location Of The Great Barrier Reef
- The Great Barrier Reef is located off the coast of Queensland, which is located in the northeastern region of Australia.
- Australia’s coral reefs, particularly the Great Barrier Reef, are national icons, of great economic, social, and aesthetic value.
- Tourism on the Great Barrier Reef alone contributes approximately $5 billion annually to the Australia’s economy.
- Income from recreational and commercial fishing on tropical reefs contributes a further $400 million annually.
- Consequently, science-based management of coral reefs is a national priority.
- One of the world's largest coral reef systems.
- The Great Barrier Reef is home to a wide variety of organisms that live in the deep blue waters
- Overfishing of herbivore populations can cause algal growths on reefs.
- The Great Barrier Reef is composed of many individual reefs, which one can say are around 2,900 in number.
- This is also the world's only structure that is composed of living organisms
- As of 1 July 2004, approximately one-third of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park is protected from species removal of any kind, including fishing, without written permission.
- However, illegal poaching is not unknown in these no-take zones.
Who's Affected From This
Overfishing ??
The Problem:Overfishing In The Great Barrier Reef
- Overfishing in many areas have created plenty of problems than we could ever imagine.
- Overfishing causes a complete imbalance in the entire chain of process and in the ecosystem as well.
- An overfishing of certain species of fish can cause harm to the Great Barrier Reef in many ways.
- An overfishing of herbivore species causes more algal growth on the reef.
- Even then, around 1/3rd of the Great Barrier Reef is protected by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, which prohibits fishing without any prior documentation.