Should the U.S. approve
Mitochondrial Replacement
Techniques/Therapies (MRT)
for human trials?
- Who has heard of MRT before?
- Does anyone remember what a mitochondria does?
'Regular' DNA
Mitochondrial DNA
We have 2 types of DNA in our cells?!?
... yes!
Solution & Conclusion
(can occur a any age!)
- Developmental Delays
- Weakness and Fatigue
- Blindness and Deafness
- Dementia
- Strokes and Seizures
- Major Organ Failure
- Death
12,000 women in the U.S. have damaged mitochondrial DNA that prevents them from having their own genetically related child
(about 800 births a year)
1 in 5,000 children worldwide are born with mitochondrial diseases
150 children die every year in the U.K. from these diseases
- engage and educate the public
- conduct more animal trials (monitor generational effects)
- allow FDA to approve applications to begin human clinical trials (limited number of institutions; start with males*)
- more oversight than IVF + require results to be published
- limit MRT with federal regulations with principled guidelines interpreted by professional societies
- help women not suffer from multiple miscarriages
- allow them to have their own genetically related children
- eliminate these diseases from affecting more of the population & future generations
How to "MRT"
Current State of MRT
in the World
(Simplified terms!)
"Mitochondrial Replacement"
Replacing Bad Mitochondria
Short Video Showing the Two Techniques
- Step 1: take the woman's damaged mitochondria out of an egg
- Step 2: put a donor's healthy mitochondria into the egg
- Step 3: the end!
- healthy baby!
- no miscarriage!
MRT in the U.K.
Today in the U.S.
(scientific terms)
Mitochondrial Replacement Technique"s"
#1 Maternal Spindal Transfer
#2 Pronuclear Transfer
- 1st country in the World to legalize (02/2016)
- own regulatory body = HFEA
- HFEA grant's government licenses
- "limbo" (animal trials only)
- no authoritative body to govern human embryology and fertilization (so FDA has the power)
- application process
- FDA's February 2016 "rejection email" (Federal Budget excuse)
- Pressure & Prediction
Ethical Dilemmas
is it worth the risk?
Child will have DNA from 3 people
- benefit a small % of the population today
- v. future good / harm
- interfering with nature, "playing God"? diseases are part of human fatality
- striving for human perfection
- doesn't affect the germline, just a transfer (no nuclear DNA involved)
- unknown side effects
- public perception / values
- how to educate the public
Should the Donor have any rights?
"Genetic Alternation" ?
- slippery slope
- 1st: mtDNA diseases ->
- 2nd: anxiety? ->
- 3rd: down syndrome? ->
- 4th: designer babies?
- disruption of social order
- wealthy may use it for aesthetics instead of medical purposes
- genetics of mitochondria give donor parental rights over the child (social and legal rights)
- less that 1% of total DNA = little effect on personality, physical traits
- it is like donating an organ
100% success rate has not been guaranteed
- positive results on rats and monkeys for 15 years
- we might not be able to produce a healthy human
- do the benefits outweigh the risks?
- side effects will not be seen for generations
Effects on the Human "Germline"
(will be passed down through generations)
- good: eliminate damaged mitochondria and diseases from future generations (benefits sustained)
- bad: if something went wrong between mtDNA and nuclear DNA = mistake will be passed down through generations (no reversal*)
MRT could affect the personal identity of the child?
- confused/complicate how the child perceives itself (3 parents?)
- does mitochondrial DNA have an effect on identity though?
- 35 genes = <1% of genetic material
- few know mitochondria have genes or are in our cells = unlikely to effect social perception
- is any amount is significant?
- Who thinks the U.S. should allow human trials for MRT?
- Does anyone think the U.K. should have waited?
- Any other ethical issues you can think of?
- Would you do it / want your spouse to?
Thank you!