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Progress in helping
WFP (World Food Programme)
FAOs (Food Agriulture Organization)
In 2011 Horn of Africa drought left 4.5 million people in need of emergency food assistance. To help Ethiopian communities recover, WFP’s PRROs:
- Training women in small-scale agriculture and nutrition.
- Assisting refugee communities from Sudan, Somalia, and Eritrea.
- Providing relief to acutely malnourished populations.
In Ethiopia, MERET activities include reforesting barren land, restoring water sources, and reestablishing agricultural terraces.
WFP provides food for the workers and over time, see a drastic increase in agricultural production.
Joined FAOs in 1948.
FAO has been an active development partner to the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) in implementing a wide range of programmes and projects to:
- Improve the food security and nutrition of its population.
- Respond to emergencies in food and agriculture.
Starvation in Ethiopia
The effects of starvation
Famine has a greater effect on the most vulnerable in society in both of the citizens and country’s economy.
- More than 2 out of every 5 children in Ethiopia suffer from stunting.
- As many as 81% of all cases of child undernutrition and its related pathologies go untreated.
- 28% of all child mortality in Ethiopia is associated with undernutrition.
- Child mortality associated with malnutrition has reduced Ethiopia’s workforce by 8%.
- 67% of the adult population in Ethiopia suffered from stunting as children.
Most of the world’s hungry live in developing countries. According to the latest Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics from 2013:
- 842 million hungry people in the world
- 98 percent of them are in developing countries.
- Africa has 227 million hungry people in 2013 and ranks second in the world after Asian continent.
- Many countries in Africa are affected by the starvation especially in Ethiopia.
Famine in Ethiopia
Global Hunger Index (GHI)
Famine is defined as a shortage of total food so extreme and protracted as to result of widespread persisting hunger, notable emaciation in many of the affected population, and considerable elevation of community death rates attributable at least in part to deaths from starvation
- To describe the state countries's hunger situation people use a tool called Global Hunger Index (GHI).
- Higher GHI values indicate more hunger. The Global hunger index is calculated as follows:
GHI = (PUN + CUW + CM)/3
With GHI: Global Hunger Index
PUN: proportion of the population that is undernourished (in %)
CUW: prevalence of underweight in children younger than five (in %)
CM: proportion of children dying before the age of five (in %)
Data for famine in Ethiopia
- The food gap rose from 0.75 million tons in 1979/ 1980 to 5 million tons in 1993/1994, falling to 2.6 million tons in 1995/1996 despite a record harvest.
- 4.5 million people are in need of emergency food assistance.
- WFP is currently reaching 3.7 million people in Ethiopia with emergency food assistance, including 240,000 refugees.
- In 2011, according to the U.N., some 12.4 million people in Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and Djibouti were affected by chronic hunger and tens of thousands of people died from starvation.
The cause of hunger problem
Drought and agricultural system
- Ethiopia is one of the World's poorest countries.
- Out of a population of around 80 million (2008) people, 35 million people are living in poverty, about 44 per cent of the population lives under the poverty line, more than 12 million people are chronically or at least periodically food insecure.
- About 78% of Ethiopians struggle with an income below US$2 a day.
- The central plateau has a moderate climate with minimal seasonal temperature variation. In the lowland, the temperature variations are much greater, and the heat in the desert and Red Sea coastal areas is extreme, with occasional highs of 60° C.
- Average annual precipitation on the central plateau is roughly 122 cm, and the average annual precipitation in the Ogaden is less than 10 cm.
- 300 thousand people killed and 57 million people affected by drought in 2010.
Unequal trading system
- In the early 1990s, 60% of the national budget was being spent on war
- Ethiopia and Eritrea were involved in a major border conflict in 1998– 2000 or the conflict between Ethiopia and Somalia.
- Ethiopia has the percentage of agriculture in GDP very high (46.4%) in 2013, this number can show that the most of economy in Ethiopia based on agricultural activities.
- The Ethiopian government purchase crops from farmers at low fixed prices.
- International organizations encourage Ethiopia to produce cash crops to export, which reduced the land available for growing crops.