steps 0f literature
Sources of literature
سstage 1
actually you don't know enough information about topic so the first step, just enter whatever you do know into Google or Wikipedia
select the result to give you reliable
general information
There are many sources of literature including journals, books, reports, abstracts, and electronic websites, among other you need to be very specific
After finished research should ensure that it is a reliable source
stage 2
Now you have better vocabulary to describe what you are looking for, try a relevant database
Definition of Literature searching
will find some useful academic articles , try to go to full text if available
use your more specific search terms and make sure you are
looking in the right place
downloading 3 academic articles and do filtering to select the best
Stage 3
Don’t give up on important articles just because they aren’t fully online.
if the full text not available It may ask you to subscribe or pay, or it may simply not be online
Literature searching involves a systematic and methodical search of published sources of information to identify items relevant to a particular requirement. The ‘literature’ involved may be in the form of books journal articles, videos, cassette tapes, conference papers, reports, theses, patents, standards or other types of information sources
the library may lead you to other similar information which is also not online but Loans of articles and books can take some time
* Finally, remember stage of research of literature .needed a more time to do this, because much of what you find and read will not be usable in your final research study, but without searching and reading a wide range of literature, you are less likely to find the really sources that you need
Reviewing academic literature is not the same as just reading it! You need to think about the ideas, the research methods, how the data was collected, and how the findings have been interpreted.