Learning Objective: YWBAT create an orthographic 3-View from an isometric view.
Essential Question: Why are isometric views useful in drafting?
Do Now: (4 min) Given the object below, answer the following:
Unit 6: Manual Drafting
1. What kind of view is shown? Isometric or Perspective? How can you tell?
2. Shade ALL surfaces that represent the TOP SIDE of the object.
3. Then sketch an orthographic view of the top face.
4. What is the width of the blue side? How can you tell?
From Isometric to Orthographic
3-View Orthographic Projection from an Isometric View
Due today:
Part 1 (15 min) - complete the worksheet. On it, you will:
- Identify the faces of each view.
- Freehand sketch each view orthographically.
- Label the dimensions along each edge of each view.
Part 2 (5 min) - Create a drafting template (border and title block).
- Work quickly on this step! Once taped into place, it should take 5 minutes or less!
Part 3 (25 min) - Create an Orthographic Three View on your drafting template.
- Start with the front view and project dimensions to the top and side.p
Part 1
Isometric: a 3D view in which there is no vanishing point. In other words, lines of the object do not converge, making lines along each appear to have equal dimensional weight.
Part 2