Mental Development
8 months
Physical Development
Development for 1-12 Months Old
3 Tasks
- Looks for rolled out of site.
- Enjoys dropping objects from high up.
- Cries in different way.
- Weight: 14-23 pounds
- Length: 25-30 inches
- 3 Tasks: First teeth begin to appear.
- Drools, mouths, and chews.
- Drinks from a cup with help.
Physical Development
By: Ashley Whetzell & Hailey Huff
Mental Development
Social Development
3 Tasks
- Responds to own name.
- Responds to strangers differently then to family.
- Shows distress if toy is taken away.
- Explores objects with mouth.
- Reacts to sounds of voices, rattles, and bells.
- Recognizes bottle or breast.
Social Development
Twelve month Physical Development
3 Tasks
- Responds to name
- Likes to watch self in mirror.
- May become attached to a toy.
By 4 months
- Weight: 10-18 pounds
- Length: 23-27 Inches
- 3 Tasks
- Sleeps 14-17 hours daily
- Rolls over
- Sits with support
Weight: 17-20 pounds
Length: 27-32 inches
3 Tasks
- Sleeps 11-13 hours at night.
- Will stop taking a morning nap.
- Needs at least three meals a day.
- Responds to own name.
- Babbles or coos
- Smiles at own reflection.
Multiple Choice
What hours does the baby sleep during 4 months in Physical development.
is it true that 4 months old babies will respond to name.
A. 6-7 hour's
B. 14-17 hour's
C. 18-20 hour's
D. 10- 15 hour's
3 Tasks
- Says first word
- Dances or bounces to music.
- Interested in picture books.