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Through Media


Freedom of Speech


Fundamental freedoms




Section 2(b) of the Charter of Rights & Freedoms

censorship: counterintelligence achieved by banning or deleting any information of value to the enemy

-Freedom of thought,

belief, opinion, and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication

Censorship laws: When the government bans or limits the availability of material that is found to be obscene. The reason behind it is to protect the community’s moral standards. E.g. movies and ratings. Also a court can impose a ban on the media publishing or broadcasting the names of accused persons or victims.

Impact on Canadian Law/ Society

Section 2(b) has given us diverse types of freedoms, allowing our voices to be heard through expression of any kind

-We have the right to think and believe what we want. We have the right to express those thoughts, without being afraid of being punished or silenced.

-There is a limitation to where a direct act of physical violence is used as a means of expression; but even threats would be protected

Section 2b of the Charter of Rights and

freedom guarantees that everyone have

the right to express their thoughts,

and opinions on anything that

they believe in.

The Supreme Court of Canada has said these freedoms are important for:


-participation in social and political decision-making

-the free exchange of ideas

The need to protect freedom of expression is considered a guiding principle of interpretation in civil cases between individuals.

1. The government could pass censorship laws if they feel it’s necessary.

2. Section 281 (2) of the Criminal Code of Canada: the Criminal code essentially outlaws inciting hatred towards any identifiable groups. Sometimes targeted because of race, color, religion etc.

Why are these freedoms important?

R. v. Andrews

1) these freedoms are basic forms of individual liberty

2) important to the success of a democratic society

3) people must be free to discuss matters of public procedures, critique governments, and offer their own solutions to social problems

- Belonged to a white nationalist political organization called the Nationalist Party of Canada

- Materials were seized from the home that included letters written by subscribers, and sticker cards with the slogans such as Hoax on the Holocaust

- Andrews and Smith were charged under s. 319(2) of the Criminal Code

R.V Keegstra: Promoting Hatred vs Self-Expression

The End

By: Yasr, Sahar & Keihgan


What does section 2(b) allow us ?

-In 1984 James Keegstra was charged for promoting hatred against an identifiable group by communicating anti- Semitic statements to his students

-He would describe Jews as people of profound evil who had “created” the Holocaust to gain sympathy

-He would also test his students on exams/tests on his theories and opinions of Jews

-Students who shared his views received better grades than those who didn't

What was Keegstra charged for and what was his main defense?





In the case of R v. Andrew,s what section of the criminal code of Canada was Andrews being accused of having broken? What was Andrews defense?

How are the two cases related?

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