Hang Seng Management College marketing strategy
Calvin Young Bella Chan Ken Yeung Amas Ma
HSSC --> From 1980
--> Prestigious and elite business school
HSMC --> From 2010
--> Post Secondary College
--> offering 6 degree programmes
Vision :
To be a leading private university......especially in the areas of business and management.
Mission :
To advance knowledge and understanding of human activities, especially those related to business and management......
- More than 70% students know Hang Seng Management college (18/25)
- The most popular channel to let others know HSMC is word of mouth
- Around 80% interviewees agree HSMC is an post secondary college
- Around 40%of interviewees know HSMC , but more than 80% interviewees recognize HSSC
- The most unpopular channel to let others know HSMC is Ads
- Only 20% interviewees considered HSMC as a "Gateway to Professionalism"
- Around 60% interviewees think that HSMC can turn into an university
- 70% interviewees agree HSSC is a successful school
- Investigate Hang Seng Management College's marketing strategy (STDP)
- Segmentation
- Targeting
- Differentiating
- Positioning
- Analysis and justify it efficiency
- Study HSMC's popularity through questionnaire
(70 samples)
- Apply marketing concept to the result of questionnaire
Conclusion with analysis
- Demographic segmentation -> Based on age
- Concentrated marketing (or niche marketing) strategy
- Go after a large share of one or a few smaller segments or niches
Differentiation based on:
More for More !
create a positioning statement → ‘Gateway to Professionalism’
Higher price --> Better quality
More for More !
Company resources
- Self-financing starting by the S.H.Ho Foundation
- Creates innovative
- academic programmes
Gateway to Professionalism !
Conclusion with analysis
- Buzz marketing
- Word of mouth is very important
- Word of mouth marketing (WOMM)
- HSSC brand image is better then HSMC
- Slogan of HSMC cannot represent the brand image of our school
- Promotion strategy of HSMC is not sufficient to cover the targeted customers
- Successful case is the best promotion methiod
- Promote HSMC via different media (forum)
- Focus the promotion strategy to secondary students
- Increase the entry requirements for admission