A Clockwork Orange
Fight Club
Apocalypse Now
Rated "S" for "stylized"
- Reflects upon human race.
- "A generation of men"
- Rapid spiral/spread of Fight Club
- Ordinary people. Crowd.
- "French Beaches." Ireland. Universality of violence.
The nihilistic view of modern life
- "Money isn't everything"
- "The blood... real beautiful..."
- "Swing it beautiful"
- "Dancing... waltz"
- "Gentle bit of boot"
- Unreliable narrator
- Music/Culture
- Use of nadsat.
Left to their own devices
Glorification and worship of Violence
- "More rozzes or millicents about during the day"
- Taking advantage of human nature.
- Hobbes
- Lack of authoritative control.
- Ludovico treatment
Joys of carnage
- "A copy of a copy of a copy."
- The equation. Mathematical, sterile.
- "Working jobs we hate to buy crap that we don't need."
- "What a waste." Wasted "generation of men raised by women"
- Insomnia; unnatural, dysfunctional
- Support groups. Appreciate death and destruction.
- Launch sequence. Near-life experience
- "Guys trying to look like men."
- "Thirty year old boy and I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer I need."
- "Generation of men raised by women."
- "This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time."
Sadistic pleasures of violence
- Hero worship of Tyler
- "Greatest moment of your life."
- "Self destruction is the answer"
- "Without sacrifice, we would have nothing."
- "Fight Club wasn't about winning."
- "Space Monkeys." Ascension.
The fading arrogance of youth
Global scale of brutality
- "Shoot every panda that wouldn't screw to save its species right between the eyes"
- "Burn all the rainforests... French beaches"
- "Destroy something beautiful"
- Crucifixion
- "Spatted"
- Suicide
- Police force, prisons, government, library, government, Deltoid, films...
- "Worldcast"
- "Adult world that could take the responsibility for this with their wars and bombs and nonsense."
- Nameless city.
- Grows up. "Too old for the old ultraviolence"
- Romantic music. Human progression.
- Children. Cycle of violence and progression. Sacrifice.
- Nietzche; eternal return
The contradiction and futility of anarchy
- Project Mayhem
- Robert Paulson
- "Heaven"
When all is said and done
- Potential for human brutality
- Importance within human history
- Pleasures of violence and anarchy
- Hopeful for the future
- Empty promises of destruction
Fight Club vs A Clockwork Orange
To what extent to these books show inherent violence in human nature?