What is inside our Solar System?
An Asteroid Belt and our Sun.
Fun fact!! The sun is a medium sized star.
I wonder how big a full sized star is?
The Asteroid Belt is inbetween Mars and Jupiterand there is another one at the end of our Solar System.
Eight dwarf planets
Pluto, Eris, Makemake, Haumea,
Orcus, Quaoar, Varuna and Sedna!
Eight planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are in our Solar System.
Mercury is the nearest planet to the Sun.
Venus is sometimes called Earth's twin.
Presented by Siobhan
Edited by Chantelle
Info from space.
Earth is the only planet with life on it.
Mars is Earth's nearest neighbour.
Jupiter has really faint rings.
Pluto used to be a main planet
Saturn is known for its rings.
Uranus has NO seasons.
Pluto is no longer a main planet because its too far from the Sun.
Also because its orbit is really wobbly.
On Neptune it rains radio active diamonds
you might want to go there for your birthday!
Those are the main planets.