Division I Requirements
16 Core Courses:
- 4 English
- 3 Math (Algebra I or higher)
- 2 Natural/Physical Science (1 Lab)
- 1 Additional E/M/S
- 2 Social Studies
- 4 Additional (from any category above, or foreign language, religion/philosopy
Core GPA/Test Score to meet "sliding scale
Graduate from high school
Division III
- Unlike Division I and II, there is no uniform set of eligibility requirements for Division III Schools
- NCAA EC does not perform certifications for DIII CBSA's
New Requirements Full Qualifier
The Certification Process
- CBSA registers for the eligibility center
- CBSA takes the ACT/SAT using code 9999
- Transcripts sent to the NCAA
- If CBSA is on active IRL (institutional request list) NCAA EC will perform a preliminary cert. using six-semester transcript
- April 1st or after CBSA finalizes amateurism.
Non Traditional Course Work
Make sure you check!
Early Academic Qualifier
Determined at the six semester transcript:
- Division I:
- 900 SAT (2 part) 75 ACT sum
- 3.0 G.P.A.
- 14 Core Courses 3E/2M/2S/2AEMS/5Additional Courses
- Division II:
- 1000 SAT (2 part) 85 ACT sum
- 3.0 G.P.A.
- 12 Core Courses 3E/2M/2S/5Additional
MVUSD Guidance
NCAA Key Terms:
Key Terms Dealing With the NCAA
How Test Scores Are Used.....
Test Score
- Qualifier: a CBSA who meets all academic requirements and may practice, compete and receive athletics aid (scholarship) in the first year of enrollment.
- Partial Qualifier: (DII Only) CBSA who partially meets the academic requirements and may practice and receive athletics aid but cannot compete in the first year of enrollment.
- Non Qualifier: CBSA who does not meet the academic requirements and cannot practice, compete or receive athletics aid in the first year of enrollment.
- NCAA: National Collegiate Athletic Association
- EC: Eligibility Center
- PSA/CBSA: Prospective Student Athlete or College Bound Student Athlete
- Students not enrolled yet
- HST: High School Transcript
- TS: Test Score
- POG: Proof of Graduation
- IRL: Institutional Request List
- NLI: National Letter of Intent
Clearing the NCAA Clearinghouse
SAT (10-12)
SAT (12-12)
Eric Peterson
Scores Used
Connie Kim
951-894-5750 x6779
New SAT not Super Scored with old SAT
Karen Candaele
951-894-5750 x6775
Jim Vandenburgh
New requirements for CBSA enrolling full time at an NCAA Division I college or University on or after August 1, 2016
- Core-course GPA of 2.3 required for competition
- Ten core courses required before beginning of senior year
- Sliding scale increased
Academic Redshirt
Requirements for Scholarship and Practice
- Completes 16 Core Courses
- Minimum GPA 2.000-2.299 in 16
- Matching Sliding Scale Score
Three Outcomes
Student-Athletes who fail to meet the required 10 core courses prior to the start of the seventh semester will be allowed to retake core courses in the seventh or eighth semester, which will be used in the cert process for meeting the Academic Redshirt
1. Full Qualifier = Competition, Athletics Aid, Practice First Year
2. Academic Redshirt = Athletics Aid the First Year, Practice in First Regular Academic Term
3. Nonqualifier = No Athletics Aid, No Practice or Competition the First Year
NCAA Sliding Scale
Core Course Lookup (48 H Form)
Division II Requirements
- Eligibilitycenter.org
- www.CoreCourseGPA.com
- FreeRecruitingWebinar.org
- 2point3.org
- Act.org
- Collegeboard.com
- National-letter.org
16 Core Courses:
- 3 English
- 2 Math (Algebra I or higher)
- 2 Natural/Physical Science (1 Lab)
- 3 Additional E/M/S
- 2 Social Studies
- 4 Additional courses from any category or foreign language, religion/philosophy
Minimum 2.000 core-course GPA
Minimum 820 SAT (2 part) or 68 sum ACT
Initial-Eligibility Rules
To be deemed a qualifier, a CBSA must meet these four elements:
Academic Redshirt Cont.
Freshmen & Sophomores
Monitoring You Student Athlete
What if a student does not meet either set of requirements?
- Graduate from H.S.
- Present 16 core courses in a prescribed distribution
- Present a minimum GPA in those 16 core courses
- Present a minimum ACT or SAT score
After the first term is complete, the student athlete must be academically successful
- 9 semester hours or 8 quarter units to continue to practice.
- Work hard in the classroom
- Take classes that match your high schools list of approved core courses
- Print out a copy of your schools list
- www.eligibilitycenter.org
- If you fall behind, use summer school sessions before graduation to catch up.
- A Nonqualifier:
- Cannot receive athletics aid during the first year at an NCAA Division I college or university
- Cannot practice or compete during the first year at a division I college or university
Junior Year
- Complete your online registration
- Register for ACT/SAT use code 9999
- Double Check Courses
- Send Official Transcript Sixth Semester
- Get evaluated from your NCAA Coordinator
Senior Year
- Take the SAT/ACT again
- Check your courses against your schools NCAA List
- Review amateurism responses and request final amateurism cert.
- Graduate on time
- Make sure your high school sends your final transcripts with graduation posted to the EC