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American Red Cross

When did the American Red Cross begin?

May 21 1881.

Clara Barton and a circle of her acquaintances founded the American Red Cross in Washington, D.C. Barton had first heard of the American Red Cross when she was visiting Europe after the Civil War. When she came home she campaigned for an american red cross, and the radification of the Geneva convention which the U.S ratified in 1882.

Before WWI

Prior to the First World War, the Red Cross introduced its first aid, water safety, and public health nursing programs. With the outbreak of war, the organization experienced phenomenal growth.

Here in Northwest Arkansas

There are two American Red Cross centers in Northwest Arkansas , one in Rogers and another one in Fort Smith.

How You Can Help

You can donate blood, or donate money.You can volenteer and start a fundraiser.

What is The American Red Cross?

The American Red Cross exists to provide compassionate care to those in need.

How do they help?

Through generous donors, many volunteers, and employees they help prevent and relieve suffering through disaster relieve, supporting Americas families, donating blood, health and safety services, and international services.

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