Selective eating disorder (sed)
Wong, Christina. "SED." Telephone interview. 21 Jan. 2016.
Don't be a hostage to SED
(selective eating disorder)
Foods that can be eaten to treat or prevent this disorder
- There are no specific foods that can be eaten to treat or to prevent this disorder
- Alot of people with SED have a tendency to eat mostly carbohydrates which should be limited
- Teach them about their condition.
Coping skills:
- Teach them special methods to handle their condition
Medical attention
- Therapy treatments from an eating disorder psychological
Family involvement:
- Encourage and support from family
Signs and symtoms
- Anxiety (stressing) over eating certain foods
- fear of choking , or because of the texture or odour that makes them nauses or vomit
- Selective and always eat the same foods over and over again
- Avoidance of certain food groups
How can this disorder be prevented by eating healthy
- It's not so much pervention as it is finding a soulution to eating healthy and getting the right nutrients from foods they can eat
- By introducing a variety of healthy foods to young children early in their life will help minimize the chance of getting this disorder
What is selective eating disorder
- Its when people only eat the foods they are comfortable with.
- People with this disease or disorder will find them self physically sick when trying new foods.
- They will also feel uncomfortable when trying to eat new foods that they are not familiar to or don't eat on a regular base.